Prove it

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Grace: Baby, what are you doing here?

Luke: I just missed you so I came by to say hello.

Grace: Ok handsome.

Luke: And she must be my high school crush?

Stella: Yeah yeah you still remember that?

Luke: Mhm, how's it going?

Stella: Good, you?

Luke: Great.

Stella: I gotta go. When she turn around she but right on Kelly.

Kelly: Ow.

Stella: Ouch, that's a head you know.

Kelly: I'm sorry.

Stella: It's fine why were you under me tho?

Kelly: Nothing.

Stella: Hmm it must be something, come on explain.

Kelly: Okay fine come. He grabbed her hand and led her to his office. So that handsome dude out their you had a crush on him?

Stella: In high school why?

Kelly: Nothing just asking..

Stella: You think that I like him?

Kelly: Yeah..

Stella: Why would I do that to you?

Kelly: Idk.

Stella: Well he's kinda cute.

Kelly: You did not. He pick her up.

Stella: No no Kelly I'm sorry.

Kelly: You say he's cute so that means I'm not?

Stella: Yeah you are.

Kelly: Prove it. She kiss him roughly.

Stella: Better, I love you.

Kelly: I love you too. He put her on the bed as they make out for a while.

Casey's pov:
I really like Grace but seeing her with that guy I'm kinda pissed. After Brett cheated on me, it's been hard she keeps making things up, but I know she cheated. I thought she was better than Dawson but I regret leaving Gabby, there must be a way to get her back. Just then Brett knock on my door with Jay Halsted and Hailey Upton.

Brett: Casey, Halsted and Upton have something to talk to you about. She looked at him angrily.

Casey: Okay?

Halsted: Before you get mad, Brett told you the truth on what happened the guy who she thought was you, actually dress up as you and said his name was Matt Casey. At that time Brett was drunk, so she actually thought it was you so she went along with him and it went long from their she slept with him. Then she woke up in an apartment which she knew wasn't yours, now before you say she cheated on you, she didn't. She just slept with a next man who thought it was you.

Casey: I- I had no idea.

Upton: She told you that why can't you believe your girlfriend?

Casey: Bcs she was stuttering I thought she was lying.

Brett: Bcs I was drunk idiot, and I barely remember what happened that night. She left the room in tears.

Casey: I'll talk to her thanks guys.

Halsted: Ya welcome. They left.

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