Your under arrest

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Few hours later:
Kelly, Stella and the babies we're in the waiting room waiting for news on Katie. Kelly was pacing back and forth waiting.

Stella: Kelly..? Baby..?

Kelly: Y-yeah?

Stella: Are you okay? You can sit down you know.

Kelly: No.. I know I know but what's taking so long?

Stella: You remind me of when I was in here you were crying lol.

Kelly: That isn't funny!

Stella: It was funny tho.

Kelly: You could of died! You wouldn't even be here right now.

Stella: Ugh fine whatever.

Kelly: I still love you tho. He smiled at her as she grab his neck kissing him.

Stella: It feels long since you last kissed me. She pulled away slightly.

Kelly: I'm sorry. He kissed her back sitting next to her then Dr. Marcel came out.

Marcel: Hey guys.

Kelly: How is she?

Marcel: She's going to be okay, she's in a little bit of pain but she's going to be okay. Then cops came in.

Officer1: Stella Kidd? Kelly Severide? Kelly and Stella look at each other.

Kelly: That's us.

Officer2: Are you two related to a Katie Nolan?

Kelly: Me.

Officer1: Who is she to you?

Kelly: My half sister?

Officer1: And where is Ms. Nolan now?

Kelly: She's here.

Officer2: Do you know who could of rape her?

Kelly: No no.

Officer1: And you miss? Stella shake her head no.

Kelly: No we were together the whole time when she got the call from my sister.

Officer2: And what did she told you?

Ella: Leave my mommy alone!

Kelly: Shhh it's okay. He pick her up.

Stella: She told me she think she got rape..

Officer1: Anything else?

Stella: She give me her address and told us to come.

Officer2: And what are you two? A doctor?

Kelly: No we're firefighters and a paramedic.

Officer1: Okay thanks for the statement. They left.

Stella: What the hell..

Marcel: Uhm Katie wants to see you guys.

Kelly: Okay where coming. Stella took Ella from Kelly as he took Ellie and Elijah up.

Stella: We need to take them home.

Kelly: After plus I want you to eat after this.

Ella: KFC! Kelly and Stella laugh.

Stella: I thought you we're asleep? She kissed Ella's head heading to Katie's room.

In Katie's room:
Kelly: Hey Katie.

Katie: H-hey..

Stella: Aww are you okay?

Katie: I- I think I am okay..

Kelly: The police are asking if you know who did this.

Katie: D-aniel.

Stella: Who's Daniel?

Katie: M-my b-baby. Kelly and Stella look at each other, Stella never knew Katie had a kid.

Stella: Ohh, where is he?

Katie: He kidnapped him!

Kelly: Where? Katie who did this to you?

Katie: I-

Stella: Kelly..

Kelly: I need to know who.

Stella: Yeah but don't pressure her!

Kelly: Okay okay I'm sorry.

Katie: F-fred did this t-to me.

Stella: Who's Fred?

Katie: The guy.. I was seeing before my boyfriend now.. H-he tried to kill me bcs h-he wanted me to carry his child. Katie cried as Stella hug her. Katie cried in Stella's neck as Kelly stroke her hair.

Kelly: When you get discharged your coming to stay with us.. I'm making sure your save with us and when we find Daniel.

Katie: B-but my boyfriend!

Kelly: Katie..

Katie: No I need him too we can be safe together.

John: Baby baby are you okay? He ask rushing into the room with baby Daniel in his arms.

Katie: How did you find him?

John: The guy, I found him at the grocery store and I- I killed him!

Katie: What..?

John: The cops are looking for me now..

Katie: Oh my God nooo! She cried even more.

John: Who are you guys?

Katie: T-this is my brother Kelly and his girlfriend.

Stella: Wife actually.

Katie: Right. Kelly smirked at Stella as she tried not to laugh.

John: Nice to meet you. He went to shook Kelly's hand but Elijah said.

Elijah: Leave my daddy alone.

Voight: John Maynard? Your under arrest for kidnapping and raping your own girlfriend.

Katie: Wait.. WHAT!?

Voight: Security cameras pick him up. Katie cried and scream at John.

John: I'm sorry Katie! They took him away as Katie cried.

Kelly: Don't cry Katie.

Katie: Omg.. She sniff.

Stella: Don't cry you can stay with us.

Daniel: Mommy hurt. He cried into Katie's chest.

Kelly: We'll go and come back after we get some things for you.

Katie: Thank you.. But my mom wants me to go back home with her.

Kelly: What..?

Katie: I'm sorry but when I get out of here she wants me to come back.

Kelly: But I thought you we're staying for the babies birthday..

Katie: Maybe when is that?

Kelly: 12th of this month.

Katie: Okay I'll stay for that okay when is the party tho?

Kelly: We haven't decide yet.

Katie: Ohhk.

Kelly: We'll come back soon tho don't worry.

Katie: Okay.. Thank you.

Kelly: No problem. They left.
A/N: Sorry for any mistakes

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