Preparing for the kids birthday party

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3 days later:
Kelly: Okay so I just finish up giving the daycare some invitations. He said coming in the house seeing Stella about to take a bite from the fry chicken.

Stella: Hehe hii. They laugh

Kelly: You just ate couple minutes ago. He laugh.

Stella: But I'm still hungry I'm sorry.

Kelly: No plus you still have to feed the little one in there no worries baby.

Katie: I just finish CPD is coming. She said coming through the butting right on Kelly.

Kelly: Oops.

Katie: My bad.

Kelly: No it's okay.

Stella: The firehouse is already coming, look in the group chat.

Kelly: Oooh.

Stella: Yeah.

Katie: So it's at Chuck E Cheese at 3:00pm.

Kelly: Yeah.

Katie: Ohh I had the date mix up oops haha.

Stella: Oh no you had it at 3:00am which is morning. She said as they all laugh.

Kelly: Where's the kids.

Stella: Watching tv in our room.

Kelly: Ohhk.

Stella: Yeah I'm going in the hot tub.

Katie: I need some sleep I hardly slept last night.

Kelly: Ohh go and sleep now.

Katie: Okay. Then the rain started to pour as the babies screamed crying. It was falling really hard as Stella and Kelly headed upstairs.

Ellie: Mommy! Daddy! They ran to them as Kelly pick them up.

Stella: It's okay don't cry.

Kelly: We are going to need to pick Daniel up from school.

Stella: Yeah can you get him tho? I'm suppose to be going the gifts today.

Kelly: Ohhk taking the babies?

Stella: I'll take Ella so she wouldn't have any panic attacks.

Kelly: Yeah.

Ellie: M-mac-d-onna. Kelly and Stella look at each other and laugh.

Kelly: Aww baby your learning a new word, but it's MacDonald's.

Stella: Aww, Mickey-D's. They laugh.

Kelly: But we can't keep on getting fast food.

Stella: Exactly food!

Elijah: Eww.

Kelly: That's it rice, pie, Mac in cheese, pork, ham, turkey-

Stella: Okay babe your making me hungry. They laugh.

Kelly: Ahaha. They laugh.

Ella: No ran stop! She cried as Stella hug her tightly. Ella was breathing heavily sweating all over.

Stella: Shhhh shhhh shhhh, ugh Kelly this sucks I hate seeing her like this. She sniff.

Kelly: Aww baby don't cry, when she gets three which would be 2 years from now she'll be going cancelling hopefully everything goes well.

Stella: I hope so too. He wipe her tears kissing her neck as Grace called on face times.

On the phone call:
Grace: Hey omg you gotta see this.

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