Date night

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It's been a next year since Kelly and Stella were dating.
Kelly: Hey.

Stella: Hey.

Kelly: Soo I wanted to ask you something.

Stella: Okay?

Kelly: Will you go out with me tonight?

Stella: Is that supposed to be a question?

Kelly: Will you?

Stella: Ofc.

Kelly: Yay!

Stella: Someone's excited. She laughed.

Kelly: More than excited I have a surprise for you.

Stella: Me? Right now? What is it!?

Kelly: Calm down. He laughed. You will see it tonight.

Stella: Fine. Stella was also lieutenant on 81. She found her best friend from the neighborhood to high school, her name is Grace Boston. She was coming in next shift.

The same night:
Kelly and Stella were both in bed sleeping. They didn't set the alarm so they obviously over slept. Couple more minutes went by Kelly started waking up.

Kelly: Omg we over slept, Stella wake up. He said tapping her.

Stella: Mmmm. She turn the next side.

Kelly: Stella our date.

Stella: What?

Kelly: Don't you want to go?

Stella: Go where?

Kelly: To our date night!

Stella: Oh yeah I forgot. They got up and ran to the shower. Stella got dress in a black dress that had a slit up the leg, with black sandals.

Kelly: Woah. Kelly had on a black pants and shirt and black shoes.

Stella: You look handsome.

Kelly: And you look hot.

Stella: Don't I know it. They kissed and headed to the car. Kelly drove to their favorite restaurant. He got out and open the door for Stella.

Kelly: Your charity arrived. He took her hand.

Stella: Aww how cute. She blushed.

Kelly: Hmm. They walk in the restaurant hand in hand.
They sat next to each other, Kelly couldn't help but ran his hand up her leg.

Stella: Kelly.

Kelly: Mhm. They ate, talk and laugh. Kelly insisted for them to go to the beach. Kelly had his a spot on the beach. Kelly took their shoes off as they walk on the sand. Stella immediately saw the roses all over the sand, wine glasses with wine, picnic basket, food and lots more.

Stella: You did all this?

Kelly: Well kinda but I had little help from Brett and Casey. They walk over and sat on the blanket. There was a banner Stella didn't see it just yet. They started sipping the wine. Stella?

Stella: Yeah?

Kelly: Look, we been together for a few years now so I wanted to do this. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, with you, our kids and our grand kids surrounding me to I die. So I'm asking you. He look behind him got up and got down on one knee. She look behind her, and she saw the banner saying, "Stella will you..

Stella: Oh my god. Her eyes started to fill with tears.

Kelly: Stella Kidd will you

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