Boston/Happy birthday

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Kelly: Babe, Kylie is outside!

Stella: Ah yes I'm coming. She headed downstairs with her bag and her jacket in her hand.

Kelly: Are you sure about this? His eyebrow raise as he look at her.

Stella: Yes why?

Kelly: No reason.

Ella: Bye mommy!

Ellie: Bye mommy!

Elijah: Bye mommy!

Stella: Bye! She kissed them all.

Kelly: Come here. They kissed deeply.

Stella: Bye I guess.

Kelly: I love you be safe and don't stress yourself!

Stella: I love you too and be safe!

Kelly: Don't stress yourself!

Stella: I won't.

Kelly: If you lost that baby-

Stella: Shhh I won't stop being so overprotective. She laugh.

Kelly: Because I don't want you to be hurt just.. Yeah be safe.

Stella: Okay I'll will be. They kissed as Stella left.

At the airport:
Kylie: Are you excited?

Stella: Yeah and nervous tomorrow is Kelly's birthday I got him a ticket to Miami.

Kylie: Aww we should go back tomorrow and surprise him.

Stella: Yeah we'll see. They got on the plane and settle down.

Kylie: It's my first time on a plane actually.

Stella: Oh is that so?

Kylie: Yup I can't believe it Yvette and all the girls are in the academy now.

Stella: Yeah I wonder if Kelly would be there instructor or me.

Kylie: That'll be cool.

In Boston:
Stella: Chief Mitchell?

Mitchell: Stella Kidd I'm sorry for dragging you here.

Stella: It's fine really.

Mitchell: You have a class now along side with Lieutenant Walbash.

Stella: Copy that.. She headed inside the room with Kylie as everyone walk in taking a seat.

Kylie: Look that guy is chewing gum. She said looking at him.

Stella: Excuse me, we don't chew gum inside of my class either you spit out or leave.

Miller: Damn hottie you don't got to be so rude.

Stella: You call me what?

Miller: Sorry. He got up spitting his gum out.

Mohan: I'm sorry for being late.. She said coming in.

Stella: It's okay hun take a seat we haven't started yet, we have 30 seconds so everyone get seated. Everyone got settled down.

Kylie: Okay you can start now.

Stella: Okay everyone hi my name is Stella Kidd I'm your instructor for today's class when you hear your name please say here or present. Miller?

Miller: Here.

Stella: King?

King: Present.

Stella: Bishop?

Bishop: Here ma'am.

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