Getting discharged

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Two days later:
Kelly's pov:
It's officially two days later and I'm so excited to go home today. I've been having a lot of nightmares since Seager kidnapped me. I told my mom to stay away from me and babies bcs she wanted me to date Seager. She didn't even me and Stella to get married.

Stella: Baby are you ready to go?

Kelly: Yeah..

Stella: Are you okay?

Kelly: No I need to talk to you.

Stella: Oh what is it about?

Kelly: You know how we're supposed to get married-

Stella: If you want to push the wedding back that's okay.

Kelly: Sure and you know how we're supposed to get married?

Stella: Yeah?

Kelly: Well my mom wanted me to date Seager and stuff it's like she doesn't like you anymore. Stella laughed.

Stella: She wants you with Seager? Woah.

Kelly: Yeah.. And she wants us to break up..

Stella: What!?

Kelly: Stells I'm not going to let that happen I promise you that.

Stella: Why does she hates me? She told me a few years ago that if anything gets rough just never give up and that we were right for each other now she wants me gone. Stella signed.

Kelly: Wait, when did she tell you this?

Stella: You remember how your dad break up with your mom? And she told you go get her purse from the dresser? You left and she told me that! Now she hates me. Tears forming in Stella's eyes.

Kelly: Baby don't cry. He kissed Stella's headed as he wipes her tears.

Stella: Okay.. She inhale and let out a breath.

Kelly: Let's get out of here.

Stella: Wait you can't walk how I'm I supposed to take care of four kids?

Kelly: What? Four? Who?

Stella: Ella, Ellie, Elijah and Kelly! They laugh.

Kelly: You wanted to.

Stella: That's it I'm calling it, I need help at least one more person.

Kelly: Who? My mom?

Stella: Ofc not! She doesn't like me so why let her? And there's no way she's coming around the babies with that attitude! She rolled her eyes as Kelly sat there laughing. But then the babies started to cry.

Kelly: Oops.

Stella: Damit Kelly! She clam all three babies down as she put their pacifier in there mouth. Ella was looking at Stella everywhere she went.

Kelly: Baby Ella is looking at you.

Stella: Come. She pick Ella up.

Kelly: Your going to be a good mom without me around.

Stella: Can you believe it? Four kids at once and only me to the rescue. He laughed.

Kelly: Don't stress yourself if I walk sooner I'll take you out. Just the two of us.

Stella: Are you asking me on a date?

Kelly: Kinda.

Stella: Sure, so wait I get to eat pizza! Eeeeeeeeek. They laugh.

Kelly: You know your cute.

Stella: I know. She blushed.

Kelly: Come give Elijah here.

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