Bachelorette party!

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Next day:
Kelly woke up groaning his head in so much pounding. He got up and headed over to the coffee pot making doom hot coffee.

Kelly: Guys wake up! It's time to take a shower and leave I wanna see my fiancé and kids.

Cruz: Lieutenant with-

Casey: It's Severide or Kelly! He hit him.

Cruz: Severide it's 7 in the morning!

Kelly: Idc get the hell up or don't let me get some cold water.

Adam: 5 more minutes!

Kevin: No I wanna see my Nessa so get up!

Casey: Fine.

1 hour later:
Cruz: Alright get in I'm driving!

Casey: The bachelor in front!

Kelly: Okay. They all got in and headed to the Severide's.

At the Severide's:
Stella and the girls were both on the ground playing Call of duty. The babies were getting scared so they laid in there crib. The boy's arrived at the house as Kelly quickly got out grabbing his bag and opening the door.

Stella: Hey baby!

Kelly: Come here! She took of her headset quickly getting up and jumping on Kelly.

Stella: Your home!

Kelly: I am. They kissed.

Stella: Eww you smell like alcohol. Kelly giggled.

Kelly: Well I had fun like you requested. He kissed her.

Ellie: Daddy! The babies surrounded the crib jumping up and down. Kelly headed over to them with Stella still in his hands.

Luke: Babe!

Grace: Hey! They kiss.

Brett: What a shame Vallo didn't come.

Stella: Yeah.

Kelly: Who's Vallo?

Girls: The ship name between Violet and Gallo!

Cruz: Otis?

Chloe: He's asleep.

Stella: In the babies room. She whispered to Kelly.

Kelly: Ohh. She got down as she pick the babies up, handing them to their father.

Ellie: Daddy.

Ella: Daddy.

Kelly: Hey girls.

Elijah: Daddy?

Kelly: Come here. He pick him all up, Kelly and Stella looking in each other eyes.

Grace: Guys we leave by 8! Kelly look at Grace as his eyes widen.

Stella: The next 49 minutes?

Brett: At nine plz?

Grace: No we have to collect the- nvm.

Stella: Collect what?

Grace: Nothing. Camilla started to cry as Luke pick her up.

Luke: Don't cry my baby. He kissed Camilla's head as Grace kiss him.

Grace: Thank you baby.

Stella: Well I might as well go get dress then?

Brett: No! You'll ruin the surprise!

Vanessa: Plus you have to wear the outfit and we all going to match.

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