Halloween Shopping

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Next day:
Kelly: Good morning sunshine! He kiss her shoulder cuddling in her neck as she giggled.

Stella: Morning baby. They kissed.

Kelly: How was your night?

Stella: It was hot.. They laugh.

Kelly: Awe I'm glad you enjoyed it hehe. He giggled kissing her. Then the babies ran in jumping on the bed.

Stella: Guys stop!

Babies: Mowning, mommy and daddy!

Kelly: Morning guys come here. He kiss their cheek.

Ellie: We go make breakfast, me Ella and Elijah.

Stella: No then we might have to call the fire department! They all look at her.

Kelly: Bruh.

Stella: I'm serious then the breakfast will be black! They all laugh as the babies left heading downstairs. Stella and Kelly look at each other before putting there clothes on. They found the babies in the fridge grabbing the orange juice.

Kelly: Woah woah woah.

Ella: Leave us alone.

Stella: You guys look like three little minions. Kelly and Stella laugh out loud. (lol)

Kelly: Haha, yup.

Stella: Come here's the glasses. Kelly place them on the counter as Ella pour tried to pour the drink in the cup. She ended up spilling some on the counter and on her legs as she only had one a onesie.

Ella: Uh oh.

Kelly: We forgot the KFC-

Babies: KFC! KFC! KFC! KFC! KFC! KFC! KFC! For breakfest. Stella and Kelly laugh.

Kelly: Okay fine but I've never seen this happened and when you guys in the toilet blame yourself.

Babies: KFC for breakfest! Kelly heat up the fries plating them on the babies bowl. Stella place them in their high chair placing there sippy cups down.

Kelly: Okay fries are done but there hot! So let them cool of in the mean time let's watch a movie. He give them there IPad's as Ellie and Elijah watch Ice Age and Ella played games.

Stella: Ha well ima eat thanks baby.

Kelly: Babe their hot! She cough the fries back out as he rub her back.

Stella: I'm okay.

Kelly: Are you sure?

Stella: Yes I'm sure.

1 hour later:
Kelly, Stella and the babies we're now getting ready to leave home. It's not 8:35am and Kelly had just finish buckling the babies in Stella's car. She drove to Target playing music, talking and laughing.

Kelly: Aww baby there asleep.

Stella: Omg..

Kelly: We don't even have a stroller for them maybe I can put on the baby carrier?

Stella: Yeah sure. They got out as Stella buckled the baby carrier on Kelly.

Kelly: Who do you even manage this?

Stella: It's easy, which baby are you carrying?

Kelly: Ellie. Stella pick Ellie up buckling her in the carrier, she started to cry.

Stella: Shhhh, it's okay baby. She rub her back calming her down as she laid in Kelly's chest.

Kelly: Woah there's two more your pregnant and you can't carry one in front of you.

Stella: I guess one will have to walk then. She pick Ella up going to place her on the ground but Kelly stop her.

Kelly: Give her to me don't put her down cause she'll feel bad. Then few girls walking up to them.

A: Hey excuse me how do you manage with 3 babies if you don't mind me asking.

Stella: It's kinda hard but we're use to it.

C: That's cool what did you did with to get them?

Kelly: Nope we rather not say it's sad.

C: Okay sorry.

Stella: It's fine.

In Target:
Kelly: Why do you think they ask that?

Stella: Trying to have a baby? I'm not sure.

Kelly: Damn a girl and a girl? How will that happen?

Stella: Look it up.

Kelly: Do you think the babies would be like that when they grow up? Ellie and Ella? Elijah and Jaxson? Otis and Camilla?

Stella: Ah I'm not sure it's there decision. They headed inside grabbing things for Halloween.

Kelly: Where going to decorate the house tomorrow.

Stella: Yeah okay we wake up early tomorrow and decorate.

Kelly: The babies too.

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