Happy Halloween!

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Next day:
It's 12:00pm at the Severide's house. Its Halloween as Stella and Kelly we're watching "Chuckie."Stella kept crying when Chuckie killed a person and all Kelly could do was laugh.

Stella: I don't wanna watch this anymore Kelly! She sniff grabbing the hundredth tissue.

Kelly: Babe it's just a movie. He kiss her head.

Stella: But baby that's evil.

Kelly: We're supposed to watch it if you don't want to let's watch something else.

Ella: Daddy tablet dead.. She cried.

Kelly: Aww baby come here.

Stella: Come. Ella climb up untop of Stella looking at them with her watery eyes.

Kelly: Baby don't cry. He wipe Ella's tears.

Stella: Where is Ellie and Elijah you can share with them.

Ella: They no want me see. She cried.

Kelly: Ellie Elizabeth and Elijah Benjamin Severide! Get downstairs now! His voice raise as Ellie and Elijah came downstairs hand in hand.

Ellie: Yes daddy?

Kelly: Why don't you want to share with your sister?

Elijah: Uhm?

Kelly: Where are y'all tabs? Bring them downstairs now!

Stella: Ella honey go get yours too. Ella got down running to grab her tab.

Kelly: I can't believe this..

Stella: We never expected 3 babies now it's hard with all three of them.

Kelly: Yeah. The babies came back downstairs with there Ipad's.

Ellie: We have them.

Kelly: Give them here. He took there tablets away.

Stella: Ella when your tablet charges you'll have yours now Ellie and Elijah wouldn't get there's we'll teach you guys a lesson. Ellie and Elijah started to cry.

Kelly: Don't cry in here! Your sister shares with you guys when your tablet's are at a low percentage why can't you do the same with her?? Respect each other you guys are siblings show each other love okay? Later we will go treat a treating but please be on your best behavior..

Babies: Yes daddy. Kelly cradle them into a hug.

Stella: Aww don't make me cry. She sniff getting teared up.

Kelly: Babe that's some real hormones you got there. He laugh kissing her head.

Stella: Don't make fun of me babe, guys come on we're going to ride around with your tricycle.

Babies: Okay. The got on as she clip there helmet on.

Stella: Good go along. They ride around laughing and playing cops vs robbers.

Kelly: We'll put them down for a nap when there done and then we'll have dinner and get ready okay?

Stella: Yeah in here is spooky at night.

Kelly: I wouldn't scare you tho if you weren't pregnant I would haha. He laugh as Stella playfully slap him on his arm.

Stella: How if I wasn't pregnant I would be chasing you around here with a knife. She smiled.

Kelly: Woah your going to kill me?

Stella: For Halloween definitely. She grab his face kissing him.

Kelly: What was that for?

Stella: Nothing..

Ellie: Mommy we are hungry.

Kelly: What do you guys wanna eat?

Ella: Manaromi pie. Kelly and Stella laugh out hard as the babies look at each other.

Stella: Baby it's not time for macaroni pie, how about some spaghetti's and fish or chicken?

Ellie: S-sapatiga. Kelly and Stella laugh as they cook some Spaghetti and fish.

Night time:
Kelly: Babe.. Oh my fucking God! His mouth drop as he saw Stella in her outfit..

Stella: What?? What happened?

Kelly: Look in the mirror. She look in the mirror.

Stella: What?

Kelly: Babe haven't you seen yourself your look hotttt! She giggled.

Stella: Aww your looking hot too baby! They kiss as the babies walk in with there buckets.

Ella: We is done mommy.

Elijah: We go for candy now.

Kelly: Yes bud but babe I'm walking with protection.

Stella: What?? Protection like as in se-

Kelly: No! A..

Ellie: Okay then, sissy and Elijah let go.. They headed downstairs..

Stella: Kelly! We can't be having sex on the street!

Kelly: No protection as in that I mean grab knives and stuff.

Stella: Oopsies..

Kelly: Haha. They headed downstairs as Kelly had the baby bag done pack, he grab two knives putting them in the bag.

Stella: Babe we're walking with one baby carrier okay?

Kelly: Okay. He strap it unto him as they headed outside locking the door up then some people came up to them.

Little girl: Trick or treat! She said with her mickey mouse outside on.

Kelly: You look so cute!

Little girl: Thank you! Stella give her some candy..

Stella: Happy Halloween!

Mom: Happy Halloween! They left.

Kelly: She's so cute in that outfit if we had twins-

Stella: Yup, Mickey mouse! We'll see next year.

Kelly: Okay. They went trick or treating for couple of hours, knocking and ring the neighbours door. "Trick or treat." They explained showing there buckets and getting remarkable comments about there outfits.

Stella: Aww babe I'm sleepy. She said yawning..

Kelly: Aww do you wanna go home?

Stella: No let the babies enjoy there time out..

Kelly: They'll totally understand that their mommy is tired.

Stella: Kelly I'm cold.. Kelly I'm so cold! He laugh.

Ella: Daddy sleep! She look up at him as her eyes were getting red.

Kelly: Aww. He pick her up as Stella took the bag from him, Stella took Ella's bucket as they headed to the firehouse. 1st shift was there as the firehouse was decorated for Halloween.

Boswell: Happy Halloween!

Babies: Happy Halloween! They got some candy before heading home.
A/N: I don't know what ppl do for Halloween here where I am do not celebrate Halloween do I don't know what it's like all I know is that you watch scary movies, patch out pumpkins oops I forgot to add that I'm sorry! Sorry for any mistakes byeeeee!

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