Babies booster shots- requested

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Stella's pov:
It's a bright sunny day on a Wednesday morning. I woke up quite early since the babies have there booster shots today. It is currently 6:15am and Kelly is still asleep. I wanted to do something special for him so I headed downstairs to make eggs and bacon. I make coffee and put wick cream on top with a strawberry. I plated his breakfast on the plate and headed back upstairs. I place the tray on the clothes drawer as I open the blinds. The sun was sharp as hell. Kelly woke up groaning as he threw the sheet over his head.

Kelly: No no it's to early. He said starring at me.

Stella: No it isn't we have a babies appointment today.

Kelly: Ohh, how long were you up?

Stella: About an hour? I said looking at him.

Kelly: Woah you weren't tired huh?

Stella: No not really but now I am.

Kelly: Come here. He sat up pulling me untop of him.

Stella: Aren't you hungry?

Kelly: Yeah. They kissed, Kelly grab Stella's waist.

Stella: Come I made you breakfast.

Kelly: Oh you did?

Stella: Yeah.

Kelly: Thank you but I'm sure that can wait a little bit right?

Stella: But what if it gets co- He kissed her. He pulled the sheet over there head.😏

Few minutes later:
Stella: Okay baby eat I'm going to take a shower. She pull away from Kelly.

Kelly: Okay. He kiss her cheek.

Stella: You can join me when your done. She wink at him.

Kelly: I'll take you up on that. He went to get up but I push him back on the bed. He went to say something but I put my finger on his lip.

Stella: I'll bring it to you.

Kelly: No babe-

Stella: Shhh. She give him his breakfast.

Kelly: Thank you. He kissed her.

Stella: Okay I'll go make the babies there bottle bye love you!

Kelly: Wait your leaving home? You don't have to say that you know.

Stella: Ofc I do.

Kelly: Yeah? I love you too. They kiss.

1 hour later:
Kelly: Babe! Are you ready?

Stella: Yeah I'm ready! She grab Ella's hand as they headed to the car.

Kelly: Be strong okay babies?

Babies: Otay.  Kelly drove to med. He couldn't take his eyes of me.

Stella: Drive Kelly and concentrate! I laughed.

Kelly: I am concentrating what are you talking about?

Stella: Drive stop starring at me.

Kelly: Okay okay. They laugh.

At Med:
Natalie: Hey babies.

Elijah: Hewooo!

Ellie: Hewo! Ella held unto Stella's leg.

Natalie: Hi Ella!

Ella: No!

Natalie: Okay that's okay if you don't want to come with me.

Stella: Go on Ella you don't want to be rude she wants to help you. She pick Ella up.

Ella: No mommy no help.

Stella: Ella, plz? We'll get ice cream after?

Kelly: Yeah.

Ella: No!

Stella: Okay then bye!

Ella: No mommy! She cried.

Stella: Then come. They headed into Truma 2.

Natalie: Okay let's pull you guys sleeves up. Stella and Kelly pulled the sleeves.

Ellie: Daddy! She started to cry as she saw the needle.

Kelly: Shhh baby I'm here. He held her down as Natalie give her the shot. Ellie cried screaming at the top of her lungs.

Ellie: Waaaaaaaaaaa.

Kelly: Shhh baby come here. He pick her up as she cried.

Stella: Elijah your turn? Ice cream after?

Elijah: Otay.. Natalie give Elijah his shot as he started to cry.

Kelly: Aww come here. He pick him up.

Stella: Last and not lease. I put Ella down on the bed. She started to cry and scream kicking her feet in and out.

Ella: No mommy! Natalie give Ella her shot.. Ella kick and scream. She was the loudest out of her siblings. Stella pick her up and tap her back. Elijah wasn't crying anymore.

Kelly: Aww Ellie it's okay all done.

Ellie: Otay.

Natalie: Okay you guys pick a sticker you like. Ellie pick Princess and the Frog, Elijah pick Paw Patrol as Ella pick the unicorn. Natalie stick them unto there hand.

Stella: See all done.

Ella: Eye ceam!

Stella: You said you didn't want ice cream but let's go.. Thanks Nat!

Natalie: Anytime come back when there a year!

Stella: Will do! They left and headed to the ice cream shop.

At the ice cream shop:
Ella: Umecorn. She pointed at the pink unicorn stuff toy.

Kelly: Do you want that?

Ella: Yes pees.

Stella: Aww okay-

Kelly: I'm buying it.

Stella: Sure but I buy the ice cream?

Kelly: Sure. They brought there ice cream and headed home.
A/N: Here's a chapter of the babies getting there booster shots. This chapter was requested by @Domeniquebenn6, shout out goes to you! Hope you and everyone else enjoyed this chapter! Sorry for any mistakes!

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