You never returned my calls

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Next day:
Kelly: Morning sunshine. Kelly left a text on Stella's phone not knowing it was dead. It was currently 8:36 and Kelly wad on shift. Stella had just left to go down by the academy in Boston teaching her class.

Stella: Hey guys so today we aren't doing anything big just doing some basis drills any questions?

Jorgen: Instructor Kidd?

Stella: Yeah?

Jorgen: Uhm why does ppl make fun of female firefighters?

Stella: Eh bcs some people think that being a firefighter is a man's job.

Miller: Well duhh we're tough. He laugh.

Mohan: So? Braiding hair is a woman's job but you see men still braiding women's hair. Everyone agreed.

Stella: Yes, now team up, Jorgen, Mohan, Miller, Greene, Bishop and King together.

Miller: Can we go against the instructor?

Stella: Sorry no.

Mohan: Are you blind? She's literally pregnant.

Miller: Does it look like I care?

Stella: That's it out of my class! Tell chief Mitchell I had enough of your behavior! Her voice raise at him.

Miller: Sure. He left heading outside and leaving.

Mohan: God is good.

Stella: Amen. Everyone laugh. Okay Bishop King? Your up. Bishop and King did the dummy drag as Bishop won.

King: Damit! Bishop laugh.

Bishop: What's my time lieutenant?

Stella: 10 and a half second King you got 11.

King: Ugh.

Stella: Don't worry next Mohan and uhh hon who about you all go together.

Kylie: I can go with her.

Stella: You aren't actually a firefighter you know.

Kylie: I have practice.

Stella: Okay okay.

20 minutes later:
Stella: Okay everyone water break then we will do some basic stuff like jogging on one spot, jumping jacks and what's not.

All: Copy. They got drank some water as they lined up beside each other.

Stella: 15 jumping jacks. Everyone did 15 jumping jacks. Nice man okay 10 push ups.

Mohan: But I can't do push ups lieutenant. She laugh getting down into a push up position.

Stella: You can I mean if I wasn't pregnant I would be showing you guys but you still gotta come back anyways.

Bishop: If you don't mind us asking how many months do you have left?

Stella: 5 more months.

Mohan: Christmas baby?

Stella: Eh something like that we'll talk after but 10 push ups. Everyone did 10 push ups except Mohan.

Mohan: I can't I can't do this.

King: Yes you can you just have to believe.

Stella: Yes stay positive.

Kylie: Are they going to go inside the red building? You know with the mask and everything?

Stella: But not so soon that'll be next year God's willing but they might be a new instructor cuz I have to take a year of after the baby is here. Everyone groaned. I know I know I'm sorry but I'll find a good fit.

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