Is Kelly going to be okay?

416 9 7

They headed to the hospital.

At med:
Stella's pov:
It's been two hours since intelligence found Kelly. I was so scared I don't know what I would of done without him. But he promised me he wouldn't leave me or the babies. Dr. Choi had to rush him into emergency surgery as he was losing a lot of blood. I swear but if Voight wasn't there I would of killed Seager!

Dr. Choi: Hey..

Stella: Hey how is he?

Dr. Choi: He's in recovery doing good we're still looking for any time of sexual abuse-

Stella: Well yeah bcs Seager had sex with him!

Dr. Choi: If you'll like to see him-

Stella: Yes plz!

Dr. Choi: Right this way. Stella followed Dr. Choi in Kelly's room. He was there asleep bruises all over his body. He has a gash out on his head.

Stella: Oh no. She teared up.

Dr. Choi: Go on you can sit with him. She went to sit with Kelly. She grab his hand as she cuddle up with him.

Kelly: Stell? Is that you?

Stella: Kelly?

Kelly: Come here. They hug.

Stella: I'm sorry.

Kelly: It's okay it isn't your fault. He kissed her cheek.

Stella: Your aren't going to push me away right?

Kelly: I'm not sure..

Stella: Yes or no?

Kelly: No I need you know. He broke down in tears.

Stella: Your in pain?

Kelly: Yes every part of me hurts.

Stella: It's okay it will take some time to heal.

Kelly: Why is your hand? Oh yeah I forgot you said you beat her up.

Stella: Yup.

Kelly: How are the babies? Where are they?

Stella: With Grace, Brett and Violet.

Kelly: Ohh soo your staying with me?

Stella: Yup.

Kelly: But there going to get hungry soon.

Stella: I- I already fed them actually.

Kelly: Ohhk.

Stella: You get some rest okay?

Kelly: No stay here if you got to cry, cry bcs I have to cry too.

Stella: Really? Tears rolling down her cheek. Kelly nodded as they both hug and broke down again.

Kelly: Where like twins. They laugh.

Stella: Shhh go to sleep Kelly.

Kelly: I can't, I keep having bad dreams..

Stella: Oh no your going to make me remember of how we almost died on that rope.

Kelly: Wait your getting your memory back?

Stella: I guess..

Kelly: You are, did you remember how I ask you to marry me?

Stella: When was that?

Kelly: Ohh you don't remember that.

Stella: Yes I do.

Kelly: Oh where?

Stella: On the beach.

Kelly: And a blank lady came up to you and said something in blank.

Stella: A Spanish lady came up to me and said something in Spanish.

Kelly: Yeah! Your right! You got your memory back I'm glad. She smiled.

Stella: Now the most important thing is do you remember anything?

Kelly: Yeah.. Well Seager had sex with me and she kidnapped me..

Stella: I know she sent me a video..

Kelly: Oh no she did didn't she? I was so stupid to go with her.

Stella: No baby you aren't stupid you took Ellie with you to the arson case didn't you? She back of a little and then she came and kissed you.

Kelly: How do you know that?

Stella: Bcs you told me this a day ago.

Kelly: Ohh.

Stella: Or your just memory loss?

Kelly: Idk.

Stella: But your alive I'm going to check up on the babies okay?

Kelly: Okay..

Stella: Ohh your mom is coming..

Kelly: Stell! Did you call her!?

Stella: Nope.

Kelly: Stella! He signed.

Stella: No Kelly I swear I didn't call her or tell her anything. Chief did..

Kelly: Why!? I didn't want her to know. Now she's going to find out we have three kids!

Stella: Ohh don't you want her to know?

Kelly: Stell she didn't want us to get married, now she is going to find out we're parents.

Stella: So? I can tell her something.

Kelly: No do not that's the last thing I need right now.

Stella: Your panicking Kelly.

Kelly: I- I just really don't want my mom here.

Jennifer: Why not?

Kelly: I-

Stella: Well I'm going to go.

Kelly: No wait.

Stella: I'll be back. She kissed his cheek as she left.

Jennifer: Kelly what happened?

Kelly: Well basically this girl name Seager had fallen in love with me while I was in love with Stella-

Jennifer: Kelly what's wrong with you? All these women you have or had.

Kelly: Mom! I don't need you to tell me how to run my life!

Jennifer: I'm sorry..

Kelly: You know what just leave me alone.

Jennifer: So Seager kidnapped you? And tried to kill you?

Kelly: She said she wanted to have my baby but I'm in love with Stella!

Jennifer: You- Just then Kelly flatlines. Dr. Choi, April and two more nurses rushes in.

Stella: What's going on?

Dr. Choi: He's bleeding we have to rush him back into surgery!

Stella: Is Kelly going to be okay?

Dr. Choi: Yes I'm going to make sure he isn't die. They wheeled him away as Stella stood there crying.
A/N: Sorry guys!😭 I hope you enjoyed this chapter next part  tomorrow. What do you think will happen to Kelly? Sorry for any mistakes!

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