What!? What happened!?

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They headed to Starbucks on the way there they pass the green light but then something happened. A man drove through the red light and hit Grace's side of the door sending the girls down the road......

Stella's pov:
Omg! That guy hit Grace's side if the door, I see him outside in the phone. I look at Grace, she had a large cut on her head, multiple cuts all over her body. I unbuckled my seat belt and tried to reach her but when I look to my left, I saw Sylvie crying.

Stella: Sylvie!

Brett: Stella it hurts!

Stella: I know. Just then 51 pulled up.

Gallo: Lieutenant!

Stella: Gallo?

Gallo: Stay clam, Chief!

Boden: What happened!?

Stella: That guy he send us down here! The light was green for us but then he hit Grace's side of the door.

Violet: You guys partying without me?

Stella: Ask Brett that.

Boden: Let's get you out Stella. They open the back door and got Stella out.

Stella: Plz don't tell me you guys called Kelly?

Mouch: We did actually..

At home with Kelly, Casey and Luke:
Casey: WHAT!? We'll be right there! He said shouting.

Kelly: Woah what's going on?

Casey: Stella, Grace and Sylvie had been in an car accident..

Luke: WHAT!? He shouted out.

Kelly's pov:
When I heard Casey said Stella, Grace and Brett were in a car accident I was speechless. All I could think about was Stella. Was she okay? Are the babies okay? A lot of emotions were just going through my mind.

Luke: We gotta go there!

Kelly: Yeah let's go! They open the door and ran in the car.

Casey: Kelly drive!

Kelly: Okay. They arrived at the accident seen.

Boden: You guys got here quick!

Kelly: Where's Stella? How is she?

Boden: She has a cut on her head, ruptured spline and foot damage. Violet is taking her to med now.

Kelly: Okay, guys?

Casey: Sylvie!

Brett: Matt! She said crying holding her arm.

Casey: What happened?

Brett: I think I dislocated my arm.

Casey: Let's get you to med! Ambo 97 took Sylvie to med.

Kelly: I'm going to med!

Luke: Okay cya there..

Kelly: Yeah. Kelly drove to med.

At med:
Kelly: Maggie is Stella here?

Maggie: Yes she's in surgery.

Kelly: What happened?

Maggie: Rupture spline.

Kelly: How bad is it?

Maggie: Pretty bad actually, she should be out in a couple of hours.

Luke's pov:
My Grace! She can't die today. I love her so much and now she is going to die!? We were trying to start a family together now she's hurt! I want to marry her one day but now-

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