He might not make it..

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Kelly flatlines as Dr. Choi rushes him into immediate surgery.

Ethan's pov:
Kelly has lost a lot of blood. His wounds are burst open again. He's bleeding eternally and I don't know what to do.

April: Come on Kelly!

Dr. Choi: Should we call it?

April: No, let's keep him on the tube.

Dr. Choi: If he doesn't wake up he's gone..

April: Oh no.

Dr. Choi: Let's get him in I.C.U. They finished up surgery as April and Ethan headed to tell Stella and Jennifer the news.

Stella's pov:
It's been a while since Kelly had to go back to surgery. I can't I can't do this if he dies. I saw Ethan and April walking towards me.

Dr. Choi: Stella?

Stella: How is he? I stood up.

April: Kelly has lost a lot of blood.. But he might not make it.. When I heard those words Grace came and hug me.

Grace: Shhh hun let it out. She rub my back trying to keep me calm.

Stella: No! He can't leave me! I cried into her neck.

Grace: He isn't going to leave he's going to come back to you the same way you came back to him. Sylvie got up and hug me and Grace. With baby Ellie in her arms.

Jennifer: Aww these babies are cute!

Sylvie: Yeah.

Jennifer: So who are the parents?

Stella: I am, me and Kelly.. Jennifer's mouth drop

Jennifer: You and my son have three kids?

Stella: Yeah..

Jennifer: He never told me.

Stella: Idk.

Jennifer: Ohh. She sat in the chair.

Stella: You know Kelly might be actually right here standing beside me in spirit.

Kelly: Of course I am. A little voice whisper to her.

Stella: Plz come back.

Kelly: I will Shay and Otis say hello.

Stella: You can tell them hello for me too.

Kelly: Okay I have to go now love you!

Stella: Love you too. Everyone look at Stella like " What the hell, who is she talking to."

Grace: Who's that you were talking to?

Stella: Kelly.

Grace: Stell? Are you okay? Bcs Kelly isn't here.

Stella: He is Grace only me can hear him.

Brett: Ohh.

Violet: Well the firehouse will be here any minute now.
Hours turning into days, days turning into weeks. Kelly was still in a coma until this happened.

Stella's pov:
The triplets are 2 months old today. It's been 3 weeks since Kelly had been in a coma. I really want him to wake up but all of a sudden I heard something coughing.

Kelly: Hmm. Kelly scratch my hand.

Stella: Shhh. I rub his chest I immediately grab Dr. Choi. He took the tube from down Kelly's throat.

Dr. Choi: There we go. Kelly started coughing. He look at me as my eyes are down looking at the floor.

Kelly: Hey.. He grab my hand pulling me closer.

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