I'm sorry that happened to you, babe

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Kelly: Stella wait! But she slam the door waking the babies up crying.
Ella: Daddy. She cried.

Kelly: Awww don't cry stay here I'm going to get mommy.

Ellie: Otay.. Kelly headed upstairs opening the door seeing Stella laying on her stomach on her phone in a bra and a peer of undies.

Kelly: Stella?

Stella: Go away Kelly!

Kelly: No!

Stella: Just go away! She signed.

Kelly: No Stella I wouldn't leave you alone. He sat her up as she rolled her eyes.

Stella: Kelly please can you just leave me alone?

Kelly: Stella look I'm sorry for how I reacted and your right I shouldn't of said those things about my mom.. But can you tell me what happened to your parents? Stella signed.

Stella: No I don't want to talk about it..

Kelly: Please you said your parents died when you we're 17 and you never told me how.. Or you'll just push me away but I'm here for you every step of the way. She look at him as he look at her.

Stella: I can't.. I can't tell you.

Kelly: Please? You can't keep hiding things from me..

Stella: Yes I can! I don't want to talk about it.

Kelly: Look for better or worse-

Stella: Fine!

Kelly: Will you please tell me?

Stella: Fine well uhh. Kelly sat next to her as she sat on him laying in his neck.

Kelly: Go on I'm listening.

Stella: Well me, Grace and Gabby grew up together since we were like 2-3 years old and our mom's were really close. We went to the same schools basically did everything together dress alike and got bullied in high school that bitch Emma. Kelly laugh.

Kelly: She was that bad huh?

Stella: Yeah anyways.. When I turned 17 my parents died in a car crash.. She said with her voice going down like she was going to cry. Kelly rub her back.  And I was having a hard time getting over it. So I started do drugs and I ended up meeting Grant..

Kelly: Aww man I swear to God if I ever see that baster again I'll kill him! Stella laugh.

Stella: Well I did drugs for a couple of years.. Maybe 4 years?

Kelly: Damn.

Stella: And he help me out of it..

Kelly: Who?

Stella: Grant got me out of doing drugs.. So eh couple months had went by and we both got into a car crash and we both got save by the CFD-

Kelly: Rescue squad you told me about it and you went to rehab got clean and started the CFD.. That's how we-

Stella: First met and you had a crush on me. She giggled.

Kelly: Well what was I supposed to do? You were hot.

Stella: Were?

Kelly: Well you still are. He giggled as he kiss her ready.

Stella: Aww well there you have my pass.

Kelly: Nope you we're adopted. Stella signed.

Stella: Seriously Kelly? I don't want to talk about it.

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