I need you

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Kelly's pov:
It's been a week since Stella left. I feel so lonely I should of never let her go but I was an idiot. I couldn't even help myself for a week I barely ate, barely sleep, barely even shower. I can't help myself do nothing Stella was always by my side and I need her now. I quickly got showered and got dress. I try to drove to Brett's apartment. I eventually arrived thank God. I got out and headed to the door. I knock the door it was still quite early. Stella open the door and her beautiful brown eyes looking into mine.

Stella: Kelly? What are you doing here?

Kelly: I need you.

Stella: Ohh why what happened?

Kelly: I want you to come home.

Stella: Why?

Kelly: Plz? I can't get anything do bcs you use to do everything for me but I don't want you to. You have three babies to take care of and I tried to eat a little but I can't plz come home. I need you! Stella stood there speechless.

Stella: Okay. They hug as Kelly cried.

Kelly: Thank you. You know if I could of pick you up I would of.

Stella: Eh but you have to eat bcs your going to lose weight.

Kelly: I think I already did.

Stella: Your going to get counseling.

Kelly: Aww man when you went was it that bad?

Stella: Not really.

Kelly: I just want to kill Seager! I want my life back to normal now!

Stella: It will take time.

Kelly: Okay so Jay Halsted ask me if I wanted to press charges yesterday..

Stella: And?

Kelly: I press charges and she is sentence in jail the day she dies.

Stella: That's good!

Kelly: No court bcs everything was on camera.

Stella: Ohh she was that stupid she didn't even look for cameras.

Kelly: Haha, are you the only one up or?

Stella: Yeah, come in.

Sylvie: What time is it? Oops.

Stella: Sylvie can I go back home now?

Sylvie: No..

Stella: Plz?

Sylvie: Fine. She grab a cup of coffee for herself and Matt.

Grace: Good morning.

Stella: Morning. She grab a cup of coffee.

Grace: What?

Stella: Nothing.. Well I'm going back today you still want to come or you want to stay here?

Grace: Girl I wanna come you heard Casey and Brett last night. She giggled.

Stella: Okay.

Kelly: Grace how did you got here?

Grace: I took an Uber cuz Luke took my car to the airport.

Kelly: Can you drive my car back down?

Stella: Your car? You drove here?

Kelly: Yeah..

Stella: Oh woah.

Grace: Sure I'll be happy too.

Stella: You got to stop dressing like me.

Grace: Ohh? She rolled her eyes.

Stella: You always dress like me.

Grace: Bcs we're sisters aka besties and husband and wife. They laugh.

Stella: Don't let her fool you with that Kelly she use to say that everywhere she went in high school.

Grace: Hubby and wifey. They laugh.

Kelly: Haha.

Grace: Well ima start to pack.

Stella: Okay. She left.

Kelly: Come. They kissed.

Sylvie: Guys! Get a room.

Stella: You should be shame.

Sylvie: What's that suppose to mean?

Stella: You and Casey last night!

Sylvie: So? She smiled to herself.

Stella: Grace!

Grace: Yeah? She came out laughing.

Stella: Let's get out of here.

Sylvie: My bestie broke my heart.

Stella: Ohh I'm sorry. She rolled her eyes.

Grace: Guys going to Molly's tomorrow night?

Stella: When last was I in there? Probably when we talking about that high school bully!

Grace: It's been a while. Stella grab the babies.

Stella: Ella is always looking at me.

Grace: She always likes to go with you and not us.

Kelly: Bcs she's a mommy's girl.

Grace: Eeeeeeeeeek! She took Elijah and Ellie.

Stella: Come let's go.

Sylvie: Bye guys!

Stella: Bye! They left and headed home.

At Stellaride's house.
Kelly: Here let me open the door.

Stella: No it's good.

Kelly: No let me do it!

Stella: Kelly give me the keys! She snatch the keys out his hand. Kelly's mouth drop. Don't look at me like that baby boy. They laugh.

Kelly: Fine. Stella open the door and Kelly walk in.

Stella: You mean you couldn't wait huh?

Kelly: I can walk Stells thank you. He headed to give her a kiss as she push him away.

Stella: No! I was suppose to help you!

Kelly: Baby it's okay, fine you wanna carry me inside come.  She help him inside as she push him on the couch laughing.

Stella: Haha.

Kelly: You think that's funny?

Stella: Mhm. She wink at him.

Grace: I park the car! She came in with the babies.

Stella: Thanks for bringing them in.

Grace: No problem. Stella took the babies from Grace as she set them down in there crib.

Stella: Baby Ella stop! Your creeping me out. Ella started to cry.

Kelly: Aww, come here Ella. Kelly pick Ella up. Mommy doesn't mean what she said.

Stella: It's creepy.

Kelly: But she's a baby. Ella looking up at Kelly.

Grace: What's wrong?

Stella: Ella is creepy me out. Ella screamed crying.

Grace: Come to aunty. Grace took Ella from Kelly.

Stella: Aww well ima make dinner since it's going 6pm.

Kelly: Okay.. And can you give me something to eat?

Stella: Sure.
A/N: Next chapter out tonight! Sorry for any mistakes, I might skip till a month so Kelly can be a little better at sleeping on a night. Sneak peek!

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