I will always love you

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Casey went looking for Brett. She was in the common room in tears.

Casey: Sylvie..

Brett: What do you want Matt?

Casey: Plz forgive me I thought you were lying.

Brett: Forgive you!? How could you do that to me?

Casey: Look I'm sorry, if you want to talk you know where to find me..

Brett knew she still love him and she misses him but she couldn't get herself to admit it. Casey left her there, then Stella walk in.

Stella: Hey you okay?

Brett: I'm I okay!? Do I look okay!?

Stella: I- I'm going to go.

Brett: No Stella wait. Stella turned around, Brett walk up to her and hug her tight as she cried.

Stella: Brett what's going on?

Brett explained everything to her.

Stella: Go talk to him girl, just say your sorry and hug him or something if it doesn't go well come find me so we can talk okay?

Brett: Okay.. She left to go find Matt.

Kelly: Hey.

Stella: Hey.

Kelly: What's going on with them?

Stella: It's a long story.

Kelly: Casey never told me anything he would just avoid the subject.

Stella: Yup.

Kelly: Hmmm, so I talk to Cruz, he said the baby is doing fine he's just stress out bcs he has to get up at 3:00 to feed the baby.

Stella: Ooo doesn't Chloe help?

Kelly: He say she needs the rest. She's always exhausted.

Stella: Aw man.

Kelly: Yup.

Stella: What's his name?

Kelly: Cruz says we will find out soon and he and Chloe has something to tell us.

Stella: Ooo I know what she is going to ask us.

Kelly: What?

Stella: Nothing.

Kelly: I wanna do that too.

Stella: Do what?

Kelly: I want to wake up every night rocking a crying baby to sleep, feeding it and all the stuff parents should do with a baby.

Stella: You want a- then the bells went of. "All units apartment fire."

Kelly: A baby. I want a baby with you.

Stella: You do?

Kelly: Yeah.

Stella: This conversation isn't over yet. They headed to their rigs and headed to the fire.

In the apartment:
Stella and Kelly were both sweeping the top floor together. To one point they were stuck and couldn't find a way to get down.

Severide: Chief me and Stella are stuck on the top floor we can't get down.

Boden: Mouch is on the roof he only has 1 rope bag, you too would have to come down together.

Severide: Copy that.

Stella: You sure about this?

Kelly: Positive.

Stella: That rope can't hold two of us.

Kelly: It will.

Stella: No Kelly.

Kelly: Plz trust me on this.

Stella started to tear up.

Kelly: Hey, look at me. She look at him dead in the eye. We are going to make it okay? Stay positive!

Stella: Okay..

Kelly break the glass with his helmet. He hock his self on the rope as Stella sat on him. They lowered down as one point the rope couldn't hold both of them. It was going to pop.

Kelly: Damn it!

Stella: Kelly. The guys set up air balloon in case if they fall.

Kelly: Shhh, if we fall we die together okay?

Stella: Plz I don't want you to die.

Kelly: I don't want you to die either. Here take my hand we will go down together if it pops.

Stella: Okay. She hold his hand tightly.

Kelly: Last kiss. He kiss her.

Stella: I will always love you.

Kelly: I will to. He went in for a next kiss as the rope pop eventually.

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