Baby number 4?

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Next day 5:12am:
Kelly: Baby wake up!

Stella: Shhh babe five more minutes. She groaned.

Kelly: Baby our flight is here! Stella shot her eyes opening.

Stella: Really?? It's here??

Kelly: Yes! He got up helping her up.

Stella: I don't feel okay Kelly..

Kelly: What? Why?

Stella: I just I don't know.

Kelly: Shhh babe everything will be okay. He grab her hand and they bags. They went through security and boarded the plane.

On the plane:
Kelly: Baby wake up. He laugh seeing her nodding of.

Stella: Something is wrong with me..

Kelly: Baby you need to sit down I'll have the hostess bring some ginger ale for you in a minute. She sat down rubbing her stomach.

Stella: Mann. She sniff.

Kelly: Baby..?

Stella: Ahh I feel bad.. She grab the air bag throwing up.

Kelly: Awww baby. She rub her back. I bet that's our baby making you sick. She laugh wiping her face.

Stella: I feel bad Kelly..

Kelly: She's bringing your drink now.. He wiped her tears away kissing her head.

Stella: I can't.. I can't.. She sniff.

Kelly: Maybe your pregnant! He blurted out with a huge smile on his face.

Stella: Eh I think so to.. Baby number 4?? Kelly laugh laying his head on Stella's shoulder.

Kelly: Aww baby number 4.. Even though we didn't do any last night..

Stella: I guess that's all bcs of our flight. The hostess came back with the ginger ale and a glass of ice. Kelly took them tapping Stella. He put the straw in the bottle.

Kelly: Here babe drink this.

Stella: That isn't cold.

Kelly: Drink it!

Stella: Fine. She took a few sips.

Kelly: More drink some more.

Stella: No.

Kelly: Baby few more sips so it can settle your stomach.

Stella: No!

Kelly: Drink it or lets get of the plane!

Stella: I don't want it Kelly I want it cold!

Kelly: Baby sip few more sips first. She sip some more.

Stella: There I sip more not I want it cold!

Kelly: Woah..

Stella: I'm sorry. She cried.

Kelly: Baby don't cry. He kissed her head wiping her tears away.

Stella: Your mad..

Kelly: No baby no I'm not.

Stella: Yes you are.

Kelly: No I'm not Stells. He poured the drink in the glass before giving it to her.

Stella: Thank you.

Kelly: There drink up. He fed her as she laid in his shoulder.

Stella: I'm done you can have the rest.

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