It's a..

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Couple weeks later-
Gender revel:
Stella is now 14 weeks pregnant. Today is the gender reveal Kelly and the boys we're on boys team except Luke and Gallo. Stella and the girls we're on girls team except Chloe, Vanessa and Kim.

Stella: Only babies come on.

Ella: Baby sisters?

Stella: Maybe we'll see.

Ellie: Baby sister mommy. She touch Stella's stomach quickly taking it of.

Stella: It's okay Ellie. They headed downstairs.

Kelly: Woah you guys really think it's a girl?

Stella: Because it is!

Kelly: Sure we'll see in a couple of hours.

Stella: Boooo it's a girl!

Jay: It's a boy!

Grace: Fuck of it's a girl idiots! Everyone started arguing.

Stella: JUST SHUT UP! She screamed out as everyone went quite.

Chloe: Okay guys we're ready.

At the beach:
Stella: Kelly it's a girl and I know it.

Kelly: Aww ima feel so bad if pink comes out.. He sniff.

Stella: Don't cry lol it'll be fine.

Kelly: Sure okay. She wipe his tears Kelly and Stella both had the needle.

Grace: Pop it! Kelly and Stella pop the balloon as green came out..

Stella: Is this some kind of a joke?

Ella: Boooo! Baby sister! She said making everyone laugh.

Kelly: What does green even mean baby?

Stella: I don't know..

Grace: Come and cut the cake..

Stella: Uhm okay..? Kelly and Stella both had the knife as they started cutting the cake.

Kelly: It's blue isn't it?

Stella: No it's pink!

Kelly: Blue!

Stella: Pink!

Kelly: Blue!

Stella: Pink!

Kelly: Blue!

Vanessa: Blue!

Kim: Blue!

Chloe: Blue!

Ella: Blue?

Stella: It's pink not blue!

Ellie: Pink!

Elijah: Pink!

Ella: Pink!

Grace: Pink!

Donna: It's a girl!

Jennifer: I disagree!

Stella: Kelly took it and see, do it.

Kelly: Fine but it's going to be blue. He cut the cake reveling the pink M and M's, confetti and pink bubbles gum.

Stella: Haha it's a girl! All the girls team cheered.

Kelly: Wha- Stella grab piece of the cake plastering it in Kelly face.

Stella: That's what you get for traumatizing me. She laugh walking away.

Grace: Haha! Stella and Grace give each other a high give.

Stella: Aww guys your having a baby sister!

Ellie: Yay!

Ella: Yay!

Elijah: Daddy is cake? They laugh. Kelly wipe his face off as he headed over to them.

Kelly: Your embarrassing! He rolled his eyes.

Stella: Ooh really? Your the one who kept saying it's a boy so I'm glad you got what you deserve. He pick her up heading into the water.

Kelly: And this is what you get. He dump her in the water.

Stella: Bro what the fuck!

Kelly: Haha. He got as Stella jump on his back.

Stella: Bitch. She squeezed his cheeks.

Kelly: Ohh your calling me words now huh? How about no sex for a month?

Stella: How about you sleep outside in the car? In your car.

Kelly: You can't do this man. He put her down.

Stella: The hell I can. She crossed her arms looking at him.

Kelly: You know what ima go home and sleep in my car if you want that and I'll just stop talking to you.

Stella: Sure I can just move out and stay with Brett and Grace for 3 months.

Kelly: You can't do that.

Stella: Yeah I can. Tears forming in her eyes.

Kelly: Look- He walk up to her as she walk back.

Stella: No don't touch me. She left walking up to Grace and laying on her shoulder.

Grace: What's wrong?

Stella: Kelly.. He got me pissed of. She sniff.

Grace: Aww come with me. They left sitting on a rock.

Stella: He kept saying it's a boy it's a boy but now it's a girl and when I put the cake in his face he got mad.

Grace: Ah baby he's just being a dog ass don't worry I'll go talk to sense into him stay here. She left and went talking some sense into Kelly. It was good enough for him to here Stella look over to them as she saw Kelly walking up to her.

Stella: No go away I'm not in the mood for fighting.

Kelly: I'm not here to fight. He sat next to her.

Stella: Then why are you here?

Kelly: To apologize..

Stella: There is goes again..

Kelly: What?

Stella: You know it's getting me really annoyed when you keep saying sorry all the time. Kelly stood speechless.

Kelly: Then I'll just go then.

Stella: Your not going anywhere! She laid in his lap crying.

Kelly: Baby why are you crying? Don't cry. He kissed her cheek.

Stella: I shouldn't of put the cake in your face-

Kelly: Yes baby it's totally understandable and I know why you did it bcs I kept saying it's a boy but you we're right it was a girl..

Stella: Don't worry I'm sure we'll having another baby not now.

Kelly: Okay. He wipe her tears away holding her up and kissing her. Everyone changing into there swimming suits. Stella sat on him as they continued kissing up each other.

Stella: Come let's go in the water. She got up helping him up.

Kelly: Ah sure okay. She took her dress of right on front of him. His eyes running up and down her body.

Stella: Come. She grab his hand.

Kelly: Wait help me take my clothes of.

Stella: Uhm. She took his shirt of as he took his pants of. He already had his swimming trunks on.

Kelly: Hehe. He grab her hand heading into the water. She jump on his back.

Stella: Hehe.

Kelly: Aww a baby girl then I guess.

Stella: It's okay. She kissed his cheek.

Kelly: I love you!

Stella: I love you too! They kissed.
A/N: Sorry for the boring chapter guys. Sorry for any mistakes.

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