Hey back of

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Stella's pov:
After I got suspended, I headed back for my things and left. I drove home, when I got their I saw Kelly's car park outside, I'm why but I'm going ask hum why he isn't at work.

In the apartment:
Stella: Hey why aren't you not at work?

Kelly: I got suspended.

Stella: Why? What for?

Kelly: For sending you in the house.

Stella: Eh I got suspended to but I'm how long.

Kelly: I got 1 week.

Stella: 1 week!?

Kelly: Yup.

Stella: I hope I don't get 1 week bcs I don't know if I'm going to sit here doing nothing for one week! Just then a notification came through on Stella's phone she got 2 weeks suspension. She slam her phone in the ground.

Kelly: Hey what was that for? He walk over and pick her phone up and look at in she had 2 weeks also her screen was crack.

Stella: How could I get 2 weeks and you only got one, that's so unfair.

Kelly: Come I'm going to buy you a new phone.

Stella: No I slam it in the ground so I'll buy one.

Kelly: No.

Stella: Yes.

Kelly: No.

Stella: Yes.

Kelly: NO.

Stella: YES!

Kelly: Fine.

Stella: Why do you want to buy me a phone for when I mass it up?

Kelly: Bcs idk.

Stella: Exactly.

Kelly: Well let's go.

Stella: Okay. They walk out hand in hand, and drove to the IPhone store.

At the store:
Mike: Hi, how can I help you today? He was hitting on Stella and Kelly notice.

Stella: A phone plz.

Mike: A what?

Stella: A phone! She kinda screamed.

Mike: Easy there babe.

Kelly: Hey back off.

Mike: And what you going me bitch!? He screamed at Kelly.

The manager came out.
Mr. Smith: Excuse me is every thing okay here?

Kelly: He started hitting on her and she just said what she wanted and he say easy there babe.

Mr.Smith: Is that true?

Mike: Yeah, cuz she's hot.

Mr. Smith: That's it your fired.

Mike: Okay. He got his things and left.

Mr.Smith: What did you wanted?

Stella: IPhone.

Mr.Smith: 11,12 or 13?

Stella: Can plz.

Mr.Smith: That will be $800.00.

Stella: Here. She give him her credit card.

Mr.Smith: Thank you enjoy your day.

Stella: You too. They left and headed home.

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