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Stella and Kelly both coming down they were still holding hands. They eventually landed on the balloon. The rest of the guys came to get them.

Gallo: Stella. He had tears in his eyes. He ran up and hug her.

Stella: I'm okay.

Grace and Brett were both in tears to everyone were in tears. They went to hug Stella then Kelly.

Stella: Were alive! She said jumping on Kelly.

Kelly: We are. He pick her up and spin her around.

Stella: Thank you.

Kelly: For what? You did something to me.

Stella: What did I do to you?

Kelly: It's what you said to me.

Stella: About?

Kelly: That you will always love me.

Stella: I will always love you Kelly. She hug him again.

Kelly: I love you Stella Kidd.

Stella: I love you too Kelly Severide. They kissed. They headed back to the firehouse.

Brett: That was a close call I thought you would of died.

Grace: Yeah.

Stella: I'm sorry.

Grace: Just don't do that to your best friend again.

Brett: Best friends?

Grace: Now you talking. They all hug.

Kelly: Hey, you got second?

Stella: Yeah sure.

Kelly took her to his office and  looked the door.

Kelly: So before we left for that call.

Stella: Yeah?

Kelly: Are you okay with us being parents?

Stella: Yeah, why wouldn't I be?

Kelly: I'm just asking bcs some ppl don't want to have kids and this and that.

Stella: I get it, but why would you ask me a question like that?

Kelly: Bcs I just wanted to make sure.

Stella: Okay and don't ask me a next question like that.

Kelly: Okay I'll try. He kissed her. Stella left his office then Boden walk up to her.

Boden: Hey you guys take the week of.

Stella: No chief that isn't necessary.

Boden: Plz you guys were through enough.

Stella: Copy. He left. Stella headed back to Kelly's office. Hey let's go home.

Kelly: Why? Shift isn't over.

Stella: Chief give us the week of.

Kelly: Oh why?

Stella: I tried to tell him no but he say we were through enough so let's go.

Kelly: Sure. They got their bags and left.

The same day night time:
Stella and Kelly were both asleep Stella couldn't sleep she was having nightmares, about her and Kelly dying. She shot up crying again. Kelly woke up and saw her crying.

Kelly: Hey what's wrong?

Stella: Kelly. She cried.

Kelly: Hey shhhh everything is okay.

Stella: Is it? I thought we were going to die today.

Kelly: But we are okay now. Come here. He pulled her into a hug. She laid on him.

Stella: I don't know what I would do without you.

Kelly: Me too. Your my home and I need you to be with me all the time. I just can't wait to marry you.

Stella: You can't wait huh?

Kelly: No.

Stella: Me too I can't wait.

Kelly: I can't wait to have kids with you either.

Stella: Your that excited?

Kelly: Hell yes.

Stella: Imagine you with a little baby.

Kelly: Cute. It will be cute. We can celebrate Christmas, Halloween, Easter Day.

Stella: Yeah.

Kelly: Let's get some rest yeah we can talk in the morning.

Stella: Okay.. She didn't went to sleep, she just stayed up. Kelly knew she hadn't gone back to sleep so he grab her waist and planted kisses on her cheek.

Kelly: Were alive Stell get some rest. He kissed all the way to her neck.

Stella: I can't we could of died then you could of died or I could of died then we would of have no one.

Kelly: Okay, do you want to go concealing?

Stella: What no.

Kelly: Stella you can't do this all night every night.

Stella: Okay fine. He rub her back to give her some comfort. She eventually fell asleep.

Kelly: It work. He said softly.

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