I love you weather you-

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Next day:
Kelly: Babe wake up!

Stella: Leave me alone!

Kelly: Ugh. She got up running to the bathroom throwing up. Kelly was done showered and dressed. He left without saying anything. He headed to Starbucks ordering a coffee and a light caramel cinnamon frappuccino for Stella. He got some cake pops and two egg sandwiches for him and Stella. He left heading back to the hotel.

In the hotel room:
Stella: Look I'm sorry for what happened last night but I don't know what I did to you that you left without saying anything-

Kelly: It's completely okay I'm sorry for not saying anything but I want you to eat something. He pick her up heading over to the couch.

Stella: Eat something like what? He sat as Stella laid in his chest sniffing.

Kelly: Here this is for you. He give her the light caramel cinnamon frappuccino.

Stella: No baby I can't take that..

Kelly: Drink it it's for you I also got you these cake pops and breakfast sandwich for you.

Stella: No baby no just no! She cried.

Kelly: Babe eat look I still love you weather you-

Stella: But Kelly I can't take these. Kelly signed throwing his head back.

Kelly: Fine.. Kelly was mad as Stella screamed crying into his shirt.

Stella: NO! She cried even louder.

Kelly: Babe will you eat?

Stella: Okay.. She sniff as he wipe her tears away.

Kelly: Stop crying your make me mad. Stella cried even more.

Stella: You hate me!

Kelly: No Stella I didn't say that. Stella sat on the floor crying more and more it was making Kelly heart broken. He place the things on the counter picking Stella of the floor. He rub her back walking around with her telling her "its okay baby don't cry." With this she immediately started to calm down. He took her outside sitting in the chair with Stella in his lap.

Stella: I feel like a baby..

Kelly: Bcs that's what your body thinks it is but I'm not mad at you just calm down and rest a little bit. He rub her back kissing her head.

Stella: So you still love me?

Kelly: I never hated you. Stella lap her hands around his neck.

Stella: Can we eat now?

Kelly: If you promise me you'll stop crying.

Stella: But you didn't had to get me anything.

Kelly: Yes your my fiancé I mean wife. They laugh.

Stella: Okay..

Kelly: Now eat if you don't want it you have the cinnamon rolls from yesterday.

Stella: Okay.

Few hours later:
Kelly: Aww baby we're matching.

Stella: Yeah. They kissed.

Kelly: Okay well the Uber will be here soon the flight is at 2:00 they push it up.

Stella: Okay yeah.

10 minutes later:
Kelly: It's here!

Stella: Aww you have the cinnamon rolls?

Kelly: Yup. They left heading down to the Uber getting everything pack in the trunk and heading to the airport.

At the airport:
Stella: Only 3-4 hours and we're there hehe.

Kelly: Yesss!

Stella: Can we go and get more gummy bears and Jell-o?

Kelly: Of course babe lets go. They headed into the store.

Stella: Can we get drink? She ask looking at the coke.

Kelly: Diet coke for you missy.

Stella: Fine.

Kelly: You don't expect to drink the original one don't you?

Stella: Sorry.

Kelly: Okay. He grab two diet cokes, with some gummy bears.

Stella: Jell-o. She grab two boxes of Jell-o.

Kelly: Bring a next one the kids may want.

Stella: We can buy some in Chicago..

Kelly: Right.

Stella: Awww Kelly look at this. She said pointed at the cake with "I love you" on the top. Kelly laugh.

Kelly: I'll buy that but not now bcs definitely it'll be gone by tomorrow. He laugh as she started to tear up.

Stella: You don't got to be so rude.

Kelly: Babe just don't cry I didn't mean it like that you know I love you.

Stella: I love you too and I'm sorry for all this.. Hormones. Kelly laugh.

Kelly: Emotional hormones but I keep thinking your not you anymore bcs you act like that I don't know how to explain but..

Stella: It's completely okay I think so too. She paid for everything before they headed to go sit down.

Kelly: It's going to suck bcs your not going to work on truck anymore..

Stella: Yes only two-three more shifts and I'm done.

Kelly: No I want you to be safe.

Stella: And I'll be fine. She kissed him.

Lady: Flight number 451 you may now board the plane all passengers to Mexico please board the place.

Kelly: Oops.

Stella: Let's go Kelly! They give the lady there ticket before getting on the plane.

On the plane:
Kelly: We got first class..?

Stella: Yes!

Kelly: Baby you didn't have to..

Stella: Yes I did. They sat down.

Kelly: I mean no you didn't I love you.

Stella: I love you too. They kissed. Everyone got settle in as they plane took of.
A/N: Sorry guys for the short chapter, sorry for any mistakes!

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