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2 years had flown by:
Kids ages:
Ellie Elizabeth Severide- 3 years old.

Ella Leslie Severide- 3 years old.

Elijah Benjamin Severide- 3 years old.

Sarah Amaya Severide- 11 years old.

Jaxson Isaac Casey- 2 years old.

Shaylynn Olivia Severide- 1 and a half years old.

Camilla Iris Hamilton- 2 and a half years old.

Brianna Camilla Hamilton- 1 year old.

Rebecca Donna Boden- 2 years old.
Two years had flown by. Stella, Kelly, Grace and Luke we're back to work. Matt Casey and Sylvie Brett we're both married for 1 year. Grace and Luke 2 years as Kelly and Stella we're three years. Stella and Kelly we're both getting ready for shift.

Kelly: I can't believe it time had flown by so fast.

Stella: I think it's time to take Ella to counseling..

Kelly: Really?

Stella: I mean yes I can't keep taking her to shift bcs she wouldn't stay and the daycare. She doesn't even go with no one now not even you!

Kelly: Babe..

Stella: I'm serious Kelly only one she goes with is Kylie when she knows she has to stay there..

Kelly: Come let's go get her and go to work

Stella: Fine. They drop the Ellie and Elijah to daycare before dropping Sarah to school.

Kelly: Bye baby have fun!

Sarah: Will do. She headed inside with her friend Amiya.

At the firehouse:
Stella: Come on Ella. Then the sound of the alarms went of "Squad 3 truck 81 ambo 61 Vehicle accident 2982 West Walbash street.

Ella: No mommy don't leave me.

Stella: Baby I'll be back go with Kylie.

Ella: No. She started to cry. Kylie grab Ella's hand as she cried. Kylie pick Ella up heading inside.

On the scene:
Stella: Hamilton with me.

Grace: Me?

Stella: No him you help ambo Mouch with me Gallo stay here if we need anything.

Gallo: Copy that lieutenant. They headed to the car as Luke lift Stella in. Then squad arrive. Kelly give orders to his men as he help the other victim out.

Grant: M-my daughter..

Stella: Sir she's a great hands we're getting her out. Stella put the c-ccolar around his neck as Luke help the little girl out giving her to Ambo 37. Brett slid the backboard underneath Grant before helping him out.

Kelly: Hey are you okay?

Stella: Yeah. He help her out as they hug.

Kelly: You don't seem okay tho.

Stella: He sounds like Grant..

Kelly: It's nothing he doesn't look like him tho.

Stella: But it's him.. He's seems to change..

Kelly: Babe your.. Your going nuts?

Stella: Kelly it's him! And no I'm not going nuts.. She signed walking away.

Kelly: It's not him!

Back at the firehouse:
Squad and truck pulled up at the same time. Stella got out taking her bunker gear of and heading to her and Kelly's office.

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