I'm officially lieutenant on truck

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Next day:
Kelly: Baby.. He grab her hand.

Stella: I know it sucks.

Kelly: You really have to go?

Stella: I do. She put on her shoes.

Kelly: Ugh.

Stella: But you'll bring the babies by right? Especially Ella before she have panic attack.

Kelly: Okay I will bring them by be safe! They kissed.

Stella: You too.

Kelly: Love-

Stella: Love you!

Kelly: Love you too! They kissed as the babies started to cry.

Stella: Kelly!

Kelly: Yeah I'm coming. He headed to the babies room.

Ella: Mama!

Stella: I'm sorry I have to go..

Ella: No mama! MAMAAAAAAA! She screamed crying, jumping up and down.

Stella: Baby shhhh. She pick her up.

Ella: Mama no leave me.

Stella: I'm coming back, dada will bring you by okay?

Ella: No!

Kelly: Baby take her with you I'll collect her later.

Stella: Okay okay, but Ella you must stay with Kylie at all times okay?

Ella: Otay. She pick Ella up and grab her things.

Stella: Say bye dada.

Ella: Bye dada.

Stella: Say love you.

Ella: Loaf you. Stella laugh.

Stella: Byee! She kissed Kelly.

Kelly: Byee! She left with Ella as they headed to the firehouse.

At the firehouse:
Stella and Ella walk up to the firehouse.

Stella: You have to listen okay baby? Be a good girl.

Ella: Otay mama. She held her hand.

Brett: Stella! Everyone came out. Sylvie hug Stella.

Stella: Hey you.

Brett: I missed you!

Stella: Miss you too!

Ella: Mama?

Brett: Hey cutie what are you doing here? Ella held Stella's leg.

Ella: No.

Herrmann: Welcome back.

Stella: Thank you.

Everyone: Welcome back Stella!

Stella: Thanks.

Kylie: Hey Ella. She give Ella a high five.

Ella: Hewo. Ella hug Kylie as Kylie pick her up.

Kylie: Let's go color yeah?

Ella: Otay.

Stella: Thanks Kylie!

Kylie: Anytime.

Sylvie: So she goes to Kylie and not me woah. Stella giggled.

Stella: Remember she's still young and she's still with this starring thing.

Sylvie: I know.

Casey: Welcome come Stella!

Stella: Thank you. They hug.

Casey: Go put your bag down we have to run by H.Q.

Stella: Okay. Things had changed up at 51. Casey was still Captain on truck. Chief Boden had his office as Stella wasn't lieutenant anymore.

Casey: Let's go!

At H.Q:
Chief M: Captain Casey and Lieutenant Kidd?

Stella and Casey: That's us.

Chief M: As it may seem Kidd you were lieutenant on engine 66 for quite a while until they had a open spot for lieutenant on truck 81.

Stella: Yes sir.

Chief M: Well it's states here that Captain Casey you will be working with Chief Boden as Stella Kidd you will be working as lieutenant on truck company 81! Stella stood speechless.

Stella: Wha- I can't believe it..

Chief M: Congratulations! He give her and Casey a bag with six shirts.

Casey: Thanks Chief.

Stella: Thank you I'm just I don't know what to say..

Chief M: That's no problem. He left.

Casey: Congrats Lieutenant.

Stella: Yeah yeah Chief Casey. They smirk at each other as they left.

Back at the firehouse:
Herrmann: Congrats guys.

Casey and Stella: Thanks!

Kelly: Baby? Your working along with me again?

Stella: I guess..

Casey: Well this call for a celebration!

Herrmann: 10% of all beers and soda's just for these two. Everyone cheered.

Kelly: Congrats baby. They kissed.

Stella: Thank you! They hug as Kelly spin her around.

Boden: Severide and Kidd you guys will share an office! Casey has his since you wouldn't be coming back in mine. He blew a kiss as Casey as everyone laugh.

Kelly: Are you excited?

Stella: Yeah.

Kelly: The babies are inside.

Stella: Wait I have to share an office with you? Now that you aren't back yet I get it to myself?

Kelly: Don't.

Stella: Hehe.

Kelly: I wanna come back but I have one more week.

Stella: Well I'm officially lieutenant on truck.

Kelly: Yay! They kissed.

Sylvie: Guys look at this. They headed inside and found Elijah, Ellie and Ella asleep on the floor with Tuesday

Stella: Aww, did you bring there stroller?

Kelly: Nope there car seats are in the car.

Stella: Okay. He grab their car seats and buckle the babies in.

Kelly: I'm-

Stella: Not sure if there going to sleep properly tho bcs of- But the bells cut in "Truck 81, Squad 3, Engine 51, ambo 61, Battalion 25" Apartment fire 2324 South Carolina Drive.

Kelly: Be safe baby.

Stella: Okay I will.

Casey: Grace sit this one out.

Grace: Copy.. They headed to the rigs and headed to the call.

On scene:
Casey: Kidd with me, Mouch, Gallo take the second floor!

Capp: Cruz Tony with me!

Boden: Battalion 25 to main we're going to have to get multiple ambulance.

Main: Copy that battalion 25. Casey and Stella mask up and headed inside.




Lady: Over here! She shouted coughing.

Stella: Let's get you out of here!

Casey: Let's go! They stayed low walking out. Before they could even know it the floor collapsed sending Casey, Stella and the lady down.
A/N: Here's a chapter! Next chapter will be our later! Sorry for any mistakes!

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