Yeah definitely!

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Stella: We will take house number 3!

Lady: Great! I will get started on the paperwork they will be a notification the next 2-3 days.

Kelly: Okay, we will be looking forward for that then.

Stella: Yeah definitely!

Lady: Okay ima need you guys to sign here and here. They filled out the paperwork. Great you will be contacted then see you in 2-3 days!

Stella: Cya! She left.

Kelly: I really want this house I hope we get it.

Stella: Yeah same. They left and headed home.

Back at the apartment:
Kelly: Is there anything you wanna do?

Stella: Can we watch a movie and eat popcorn plz?

Kelly: You sure? That wouldn't do anything with the babies right?

Stella: Idk.

Kelly: Okay well sit here and get comfy plz.

Stella: It's cold outside can you grab me the blanket plz?

Kelly: I'll be back. He grab there pillows and blanket.

Stella: There's nothing to watch and now I have to stay here for four months or whatever and wear this freaking cast! She shouted crying throwing the crutches on the ground.

Kelly: Stell baby you can't just give up like that, that's not who you are. He sat next to her and cuddle with her.

Stella: Well it is now! It was just a mistake! I don't wanna wear this anymore! She said getting mad.

Kelly: Oh so you rather stay in a wheel chair?

Stella: No.

Kelly: How about this. I book you, Brett and Grace a pedicure something to cheer you up a little. Bcs I know if I was you, you would of done the same thing with me. She look at him with tears rolling down her cheek. He pulled her into a hug.

Stella: Thank you baby.

Kelly: No problem! And it's through I'm glad I have a fiancé like you. She cried even more.

Stella: Me too. They kissed.

Kelly: I'll make us that popcorn yeah?

Stella: Plz and a lot.

Kelly: Your going to eat. She give him a look. Nvm. He made a whole bowl full of popcorn.

Stella: Are you done yet!? She shouted.

Kelly: Yesss! You want water? Wine? Juice?

Stella: Non alcoholic wine!

Kelly: Sure. He poured them some wine as he made his way to the couch.

Stella: Damn baby. She laughed at how much popcorn was in the bowl.

Kelly: Idk but don't you feel a little embarrassed?

Stella: Oh woah your going to break up with me? Bcs of eating all this!?

Kelly: No bcs I wanted to take you out somewhere.

Stella: Ohh.. Her voice going down.

Kelly: People are going to think your a-

Stella: A pig! If I was one how come I ain't fat!? I am not going to let anyone talk about me like that bcs I am eating a lot so get your facts straight! She shouted at him.

Kelly: But I- nvm.

Stella: I'm sorry. She signed.

Kelly: It's okay your right and I know if you had to open your mouth something might happen. They laugh.

Stella: Well it wouldn't be my fault.

Kelly: Not mine.

Stella: Yes yours since your the one you got me pregnant with your kids!

Kelly: Whatever there going to look cute anyways just like us.

Stella: Oh I'm cute?

Kelly: Yeah and more than cute actually. He grinned looking her up and down.

Stella: Don't even. She laughed.

Kelly: Okay okay. They sat and eat their popcorn.

Stella: What should we make for dinner?

Kelly: You know what?

Stella: What?

Kelly: If you really wanna make dinner you can but every 2-3 minutes you get a break by sitting down bcs I don't want something to happen to you again.

Stella: Aww. She smiled.

Kelly: Yeah yeah. He kissed her head.

Stella: But what? Lasagna? Pizza?

Kelly: No not pizza bcs last time you couldn't stop vomiting so lasagna it is.

Stella: Ugh I was hoping you wouldn't say that.

Kelly: What you wanted pizza?

Stella: Yeah. She mumbled.

Kelly: Maybe if you weren't pregnant you could of eat it but I just don't like seeing you throwing up it makes me sad. She spit out the wine and started coughing.

Stella: It what!? It makes you sad?

Kelly: Yeah..

Stella: Aww really?

Kelly: Yeah.

Stella: Well speaking about that I have something to show you. She sat on the floor and crawl to the bedroom.

Kelly: Don't go throwing up now!

Stella: I'm not! She tied her shirt up uncovering her bump, it was getting bigger and bigger every day. It look like she was 3 months pregnant. She walked on out as Kelly's eyes land straight on her stomach.

Kelly: Damn girl, that thing keeps getting bigger and bigger everyday.

Stella: Ikr. She sat next to him.

Kelly: You look like what? 20 something weeks? He laugh.

Stella: It's triplets! Three kids! I just wanted one!

Kelly: Same but now we have these little cuties that's all that matters. He kiss her.

Stella: I know. They cuddle up with each other.

Kelly: I love you, Stella Kidd!

Stella: I love you too, Kelly Severide! They kissed once more as they eat there popcorn and watch tv.
A/N: Sorry guys for the short chapter, I really didn't know what else to write about! Next chapter will be out tomorrow! Sorry for any mistakes.. Byeeeeee!❤❤❤

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