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Kelly: Good morning sunshine.

Stella: Good morning.

Kelly: We're going counseling today?

Stella: Yeah.

Kelly: Come on let's get dress. They got up, showered and got dress.

Stella: I'm going to make breakfast. She make scramble eggs and bacon.

Kelly: Oooo this is nice.

Stella: Is it? You haven't eaten anything yet.

Kelly: I know but I can tell it's going to be delicious.

Stella: Thank you that's nice to hear.

Kelly: Your welcome. They ate and headed to med.

Kelly: Are you okay?

Stella: No I'm scared.

Kelly: Why? Everything is going to be okay. He rub her thigh.

Stella: Thanks for the comfort.

Kelly: Anytime. He smiled.

At med:
Dr. Manning: Hey what brings you guys to the E.D?

Kelly: Well basically we were on a call, me and Stella were stuck on the top floor so Mouch was on the roof so he drop a rope bag. So we went down but eventually it pop but it was thing chief put the balloon thing on the ground as we landed on it then Stella started having nightmares about us dying.

Dr. Manning: Oh no so your here for counseling?

Stella: Yeah.

Dr. Manning: Okay I'll get Dr. Charles. She page Dr. Charles, few minutes later he was downstairs.

Dr. Charles: Hi Stella Natalie told me what happened.

Stella: Yeah.

Dr. Charles: Okay come this way are you coming Kelly?

Kelly: I'll just wait out here.

Dr. Charles: Okay, come on Stella. He took her to a room.

Dr. Charles: So you were having nightmares or anything?

Stella: Nightmares the same night of the accident.

Dr. Charles: Okay.

1 hour later:
Kelly: Hey.

Stella: Hey.

Kelly: How did it go?

Stella: Good but why didn't you come with me?

Kelly: You wanted me to come?

Stella: Yeah but you insisted to stay out here.

Kelly: I'm sorry I didn't know.

Stella: It's fine i just wanna go home.

Kelly: Aren't you hungry?

Stella: Yes.

Kelly: Let's get something to eat.

Stella: Oh and I got to take 2 weeks of from shift.

Kelly: Oh..

Stella: Going miss me?

Kelly: Yeah.

Stella: And plz don't get hurt..

Kelly: I won't, I promise you that. He kissed her.

Stella: Okay let's go home I'm hungry.

Kelly: Let's go. They headed home.

Kelly: What are you making?

Stella: A sandwich for now, then I'll cook something later.

Kelly: Oooo, what?

Stella: Idk maybe fries, hehe.

Kelly: Hahaha is that all?

Stella: Chicken idk.

Kelly: But I'm helping.

Stella: If you insist.

Kelly: Mhm. He took half of her sandwich.

Stella: Kelly! I just made this now you steal it! Your going to make me one again! Or sleep on the couch!

Kelly: Okay okay fine. He make a sandwich as Stella took of more than half.

Stella: Hahahahhaha, take that!

Kelly: Oh no you didn't take my sandwich away. He chased her around the room.

Stella: Oooo I got faster than you now huh? She giggled.

Kelly: Bet, I faster than you so shhh.

Stella: Don't tell me so shush old man.

Kelly gaps.

Kelly: You did not just called me old!?

Stella: Alright bet old man! She ate her sandwich as she ran almost hanging. 😂 Eventually he got her and started kissing her they got to the bedroom and you know what happened next.😏

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