Losing you would be the end of me

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They rush Stella into immediate surgery. Kelly sniff trying to hold his tears in. Sarah walk in from school as Cindy had the babies.

Sarah: How is she?

Kelly: They took her back to surgery.. But mom is strong she's go to make it like she always do.. They hug as Grace walk up to them.

Grace: What happened??

Kelly: They had to take her back to surgery but she's going to be fine..

Grace: Yup Stella's strong.

20 minutes later:
Sarah was playing video games on her Ipad as Kelly was watching her.. They we're waiting for Stella's surgery to finish up.

Stella's spirit: Kelly go and get something to eat I'll be fine.

Kelly's mind: I can't eat when your like this I need you to be okay.

Stella's spirit: Do you need me to come with you?

Kelly's mind: Yeah.

Stella's spirit: Okay well get Sarah up and go to where ever I'm going to be in the car waiting for you guys..

Kelly: Sarah lets go and get something to eat mom is watching us.

Sarah: What do you mean she's watching us?

Kelly: She's here in spirit I can hear her talking to me that's why I was daydreaming last time..

Sarah: Stop lying dad there's no way she can hear us.

Kelly: Yes Sarah believe me in fact when she wakes up question her.

At KFC drive- thru:
Man: Hello?

Kelly: Hi can I get two large fries, two piece chicken and two sprites?

Stella's spirit: What about me??

Kelly's mind: Shhhh.

Man: That'll be $29.39.

Kelly: Okay thanks..

Stella's spirit: How rude of you babe.

Kelly's mind: Your a ghost you can't eat. He laugh.

Sarah: What are you laughing at?

Kelly: Nothing..

Sarah: Dad mom isn't here.

Kelly: Yes she is! They collect there order heading back to the hospital.

At med:
Natalie was examining Stella as she was still in a coma. Kelly's eyes filled with tears so did Sarah's.

Stella's spirit: Kelly stop crying I'm fine you just got to wait till I wake up which isn't bad.. I know losing the baby might be hard but..

Kelly's mind: You fainted as when I told you that you weren't pregnant anymore what the hell happened to you??

Stella's spirit: I don't know but don't be mad at me okay? Your going to make me cry..

Kelly's mind: Babe I'm sorry.

Stella's spirit: It's okay but what do we do now?

Kelly's mind: I'm going to think about you and the baby I really wanted to have another one I thought it was the right time but it wasn't I guess..

Stella's spirit: Don't say that babe we'll have another baby soon just don't stress about it but we have 5 kids now let's just worry about them for now.

Kelly's mind: Yeah 5 kids and if you go I'll be lonely as fuck.

Stella's spirit: Haha Kelly I'm not going to go and leave you.

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