Not after what you did to me

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Seager: Hi Kelly.. She said softly smiling at him. Her with a bump in front of her.. Kelly look back at Stella speechless as he knew he had a next baby on the way.
Kelly: I- how?

Seager: It just happened..

Kelly: I can't.. I can't do this. Not after what you did to me.. Kelly stood in front of Stella tears forming in his eyes.

Seager: I'm sorry.. But I'm 38 weeks with a baby girl.. And I want you to be there when she's born. She grab his arm.

Kelly: No. Don't touch me! Did baby isn't mine and I'm not going to-

Seager: It is yours!

Kelly: You kidnapped me, brutalized me, rape me and got pregnant with your kid! Not ours yours bcs I never wanted a kid with you! He shouted at her. He grab Stella's hand as they headed to the car.

Stella: Kelly? She's 38 weeks pregnant with your kid! She obviously had sex with you-

Kelly: I NEVER WANTED TO HAVE  A BABY WITH HER STELLA! He yelled at her, crying.

Stella: I never said you did but aren't you going to go and talk to her?

Kelly: I don't want anything to do with her! My life with you was supposed to-

Stella: Yeah without her in it!

Kelly: You go and talk to her.

Stella: Me!? She doesn't even look pregnant..

Kelly: A fake baby?

Stella: No a fake bump.

Kelly: Go and confront her!

Stella: Me!?

Kelly: Go I'm waiting.

Stella: Okay wish me luck..

Kelly: I wish you-

Stella: Nope I can't do this.

Kelly: Yes you can! He kissed her deeply pushing her on the car.

Stella: Okay yeah I'll go now. They laugh.

Kelly: See all you needed was for me to kiss you now go! Stella look like she was going to cry and laugh.

Stella: OKAY! She shouted walking over to Seager. "Hey."

Seager: Hmm?

Stella: Look I'm truly sorry about Kelly's behavior.

Seager: It's okay..

Stella: Can I? Can I touch her?

Seager: Sure. Stella place her hand on Seagers stomach but it wasn't an actual baby..

Stella: I will let him talk to you okay? Right not we have to pick the kids up.

Seager: Okay.. Stella left tears rolling down her cheek.

Kelly: Why are you crying? Stella burst out laughing.

Stella: Kelly she isn't actually pregnant and her stomach feels weird.

Kelly: Ohh?

Stella: You could of felt it.. Let's just go to intelligence okay? I they sentence her in jail? How she got out?

Kelly: Just keep her away from me.

Stella: Okay. They drove to the 21st district.
At 21st district:
Trudy: Oh no.

Stella: Trudy? Can I speak to Jay?

Trudy: Sure thing let me buzz you upstairs.

Stella: Thanks. Trudy buzz Stella and Kelly upstairs.

Jay: Hey guys what's up?

Stella: Jay? I thought Seager was sentence in jail?

Jay: She is why?

Stella: What? Bcs we just saw her at the firehouse.. Pregnant. Everyone stood there shock.

Hailey: Pregnant? Med ran test and she wasn't.

Stella: Exactly she isn't pregnant bcs her "bump" isn't real.

Jay: What? You touch it?

Kelly: Yeah and I saw with my own two eyes, Seager isn't pregnant!

Hailey: Any proof?

Kelly: Yeah I recorded it.. He give Jay his phone.

Voight: Where is she now?

Stella: Don't know.

Mouse: Sarge! She's close to the firehouse but at Starbucks!

Kim: You guys go home and be with the babies we'll call you if anything happens.

Stella: Okay.. Kelly and Stella and headed to the Herrmann's they grab the babies and headed home.

Few hours later:
Kelly: I can't believe it!

Ellie: Hmm?

Kelly: Nothing, you guys go play I have to talk to mommy.

Babies: Otay. They crawled away as Kelly grab Stella's hand as they sat on the floor facing each other.

Kelly: I can't I just can't.

Stella: Listen I have to go out later for somethings for the babies stay here in case if Jay or anyone calls okay? After that call me straight away okay?

Kelly: Okay. They hug as Stella kiss his head.

Stella: She'll get what she deserves soon or later.

Kelly: Yes but you need to tell her something.

Stella: I will once I-

Ella: Mommy can we go?

Stella: Soon!

Kelly: Your taking all of them?

Stella: Yeah, Grace wants to buy things for them she wouldn't say what so idk.

Kelly: I'm going to miss you. He squeezed her tight.

Stella: I'm going to miss you too. They kissed but just in case hide a camera around in case if she comes here or anything.

Kelly: I will.

Stella: Good and fight her back if she comes here.

Kelly: You can't hit women..

Stella: You hit me and I don't press charges.

Kelly: I know.

Stella: Okay I'll be back as quick as possible. She kissed him deeply getting up.

Kelly: Okay be safe love you!

Stella: Love you too! She put the babies in the car and drove to the mall. Kelly grab his phone and hide it in the tree and started recording.
1 hour later:
Kelly was playing games with Casey until he heard the knock on the door. He got scared, he got up and open the door. Seager push him down on the floor taping his mouth. She slap him kissing him,  touching him inappropriately. She tied his hands and tied him against the stair case. She strip him down and there she was untop of him kissing him up on his neck and cheek.

Seager: I don't care anymore Kelly your mine and always will be mine. She took tape of his mouth.

Kelly: No stop! She had the balloon in her shirt as she was making out with Kelly.

Seager: Your mine! I love you Kelly! She moaned kissing him. She slap him across his face as she make love to him.
A/N: Oml guys I'm so sorry guys! Next chapter will be out idk ima try to write it now. Sorry for any mistakes I was rushing through it.

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