Fire fly

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Kelly: Baby I love you!

Stella: Kelly nooo! But Kelly's rope pop.. Eventually Stella caught him with her left arm.

Kelly: No just let me go!

Stella: Are you serious??

Kelly: Just do it!

Stella: No Kelly! I'm not going to let you go! She said like she was going to cry.

Kelly: You can't hold me this long I'm to heavy for you.

Stella: Idc your not going to die! Stella's hand was hurting like it going to pop of.

Kelly: Stella let me go and don't lose your hand over me!

Stella: Noooo! Kelly you can't leave me yet not now!

Kelly: I love you and always will okay?

Stella: No no no!

Casey: Mouch the ariel! Casey scream through his radio.

Kelly: No Stella let me go!

Stella: Fuck that Kelly I'm not going to let go of you! Her voice raise at him as she was in pain.

Mouch: Copy that lieutenant! Mouch raise the ariel but they we're to far.

Kelly: Please? Stella rolled her eyes as she tried to break the glass. It eventually break as Stella help Kelly and the lady inside.

Stella: How dare you Kelly! She screamed at him.

Kelly: I'm sorry come here you. They hug as Stella cried in pain.

Stella: My hand..

Kelly: You see that's why I told you to let me go!

Stella: Why should I let you go are you fucking kidding me right now!? Her voice raising at him she was pissed.

Kelly: Look I'm sorry but you didn't have to saved me.

Stella: Ofc I did Kelly are you dump?

Kelly: No but I- I'm sorry.

Stella: Yes Kelly you should be for telling me to let you the fuck go now I'm mad about you telling me to let you go when you know I wouldn't! She shouted at him crying.

Kelly: I'm sorry baby. They kissed. Kelly took Stella's bunker gear and her shirt of.

Stella: Don't touch it!

Kelly: That's a nasty bruise babe your going to need surgery I think.. Awww man this is my fault!

Stella: No it's not Kelly, how could the kids grow up without their father? And I have to say that you died from a what 10 story apartment? Her eyes fill with tears.

Kelly: I'm sorry. He hug her as she laid in his neck.

Stella: And how could you leave without marrying me? You we're mad when I was in the coma thing saying that I should of marry you blah blah blah but look at you now you could of died! She cried.

Kelly: Aww baby I love you!

Stella: I love you too! They kissed as Kelly took his gloves of wiping her tears away.

Kelly: Don't cry I'm still alive thanks to you.

Stella: Your going to have nightmares I know it.

Kelly: Well I umm. They laugh.

Stella: Ugh come let's get out of here.

Kelly: Let me carry you out.

Stella: No help her. Kelly pick the lady up as they headed downstairs.

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