Who cares about a fat ass bitch like you dog?

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Next day:
Kelly: Babeee!

Stella: I'm coming! She headed downstairs with her bag.

Kelly: What we're you doing so long?

Stella: I was throwing up..

Kelly: Oh no we'll the appointment is at 10:00 so come let's go to work.

At the firehouse:
The alarms went of "Truck 81, ambulance 61." Need of assistance Kenzie and Washington.

Kelly: I'll take that. He took her bag as she headed to the truck putting her bunker gear on.

Grace: My girl in action.

Stella: Hehe. They got in heading to the scene.

On sight:
Lt J: Hey we cancelled the call!

Stella: What are we looking at?

Lt J: I said we cancelled the call! His voice raise at Stella.

Stella: Excuse me who do you think you talking to like that.

Lt. J: Your a woman we don't need you here!

Stella: It isn't about weather I'm a woman or not I came here to save lives! As main said " Truck 81, ambulance 61." Need of assistance Kenzie and Washington. So you got a problem?

Lt. J: Yeah back the hell of my scene.

Stella: Then make me! They looking into each other eyes Stella getting mad as squad pulled up.

Lt. J: Over here. Kelly walked over to them.

Stella: No don't help him cuz he got a problem with me.

Kelly: What kind of a problem?

Grace: That she's a lady and she can't save lives.

Lt. J: Woah stop lying!

Stella: Bitch no one is lying. He push Stella as she slap him pushing him down. Kelly pick her up and Luke and Gallo held back Lt. Jensen.

Kelly: Baby.

Stella: No he push me! 

Kelly: Shhh clam down. Stella signed.

Stella: What? It's a big deal just because I'm a-

Lt. J: Woman that's right bitch!

Stella: Fuck of dog!

Kelly: Calm down or I'll let her beat your ass!

Stella: Ugh.

Kelly: Baby don't mind him your hell of a firefighter don't mind him. He grab her hand.

Lt. J: Boo! She isn't a hell of a firefighter!

Grace: Yes she is! She save lives everyday you got a problem with female firefighters!?

Lt. J: There weak so are you!

Stella: Bitch! You said what?? Kelly let her go as Stella and Jensen fight. Kelly pulled her back as he took her by the truck settling her down.

Kelly: Baby you can get suspended for what you did..

Stella: Yeah but he started it! She shouted at him as his eyes widen.

Kelly: Uhm..

Stella: I'm sorry.

Kelly: Please don't worry but calm down let's get you guys back to the firehouse.

Lt. J: I'm reporting you!

Stella: Who cares about a fat ass bitch like you dog! Everyone look at Stella including Kelly.

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