Camilla Iris Hamilton

230 6 3

4 weeks later:
10:15 at the Severide's house:
Kelly: Hey baby!

Stella: Hey! They kiss.

Kelly: Me and Luke are going for some last minute things for Grace.

Stella: That's okay she wanted me to come over just me so can you take the babies.

Kelly: I'm not sure about Ella but yeah sure.

Stella: Okay thanks and I'm going to go before she wakes up.

Kelly: Yeah okay she's still asleep right now but I'll miss you.

Stella: I'll miss you too. He tuck her hair behind her ear as he planted a kiss on her lips.

Kelly: I love you!

Stella: I love you too! They kissed, Kelly laid on the bed as Stella laid on him. She grab the sheet pulling it over them..

Few hours later:
Stella: Okay baby I'm going to go now!

Kelly: At least we had fun.. He smirk at her.

Stella: I know. She got up putting her clothes back on.

Kelly: Wait let me see if Ella's awake.

Ella: Mommy? They heard Ella calling out for her.

Stella: Ima go now tell her I'll be back and give them anything they want so they wouldn't act out okay?

Kelly: I will bye love you be safe!

Stella: Bye love you too and be safe! They kiss as Stella left.

At the Hamilton's:
Stella arrive at Grace's house. She park the car and headed to knock the door. Grace groaned as she open the door.

Grace: Hey!

Stella: Hey! They hug.

Grace: Come on in. Stella walk in as Grace shut the door.

Stella: Kelly's at home I didn't bring the babies bcs you said just me-

Grace: I'm sorry I just I didn't want to cause any problems in case if I go into labor today bcs I feel like it.

Stella: That's okay I'm here for you.

Grace: Okay.

Luke: Okay baby I'm out! Who is at the- oh hey Stella!

Stella: Hey! Kelly is at home and you guys may have to babysit..

Luke: Ohh.. That's okay got to run now baby I'll see you later okay?

Grace: Okay. He kiss her and kiss the baby bye before heading out.

Stella: That's cute, Kelly wants a next baby but with the trips I feel like that's all-

Grace: That's all about?

Stella: I'm done, no more babies but if they gown up I feel like he will want more which I'm a 100% okay with..

Grace: Cool. They sat down.

Stella: Anyways what do you think about naming baby Grace?

Grace: Idk to be honest.

Stella: Your just like me bestie just like me.

An hour later:
Grace: So maybe this stroller? It's pink has the thing to pull over in case if the son is to hot?

Stella: Me and Kelly were looking for strollers for the triplets but no one had any!

Grace: Aww did you look online?

Stella: Out of stock.

Grace: Damn but you can buy one for next baby.

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