Is he going to make it?

300 7 3

Casey: Let's go! They stayed low walking out. Before they could even know it the floor the floor collapsed sending Casey, Stella and the lady down.
Boden: Kidd, Casey, report! Sylvie's eyes fill with tears. Stella and Casey's alarm went of.

Sylvie: Matt! She cried talking through her radio.

Boden: Casey Kidd, report! Stella gaps waking up. Chief repeated report ×6 times.

Stella: Chief! We're stuck! Stella check Casey for a pulse but there was nothing.

Boden: Casey?

Stella: He has no pulse!

Boden: We're getting you guys out of here!

Stella: Okay.. Kelly could of heard everything over the radio. He was in a panic.

1 hour later:
Ambo 61 wheeled Casey in the E.R. Stella was on the stretcher doing compressions as Casey laid there lifeless.

Violet: 37 year old male, Matt Casey fallen from second floor took in a lot of smoke.

Dr. Marcel: Copy I got it from here, okay on my.. 1..2..3.. They lift Casey of the stretcher as they hook him up of drips and IV's. Stella headed to sit down in the waiting room. Less than a minute the firehouse pulled him.

Boden: Hey how is he?

Stella: He wasn't breathing..

Boden: And you? Are you okay?

Stella: Yeah I'm fine.

Herrmann: Are you sure?

Stella: Yes I'm good.. Kelly walked in panicking.

Kelly: Stell?

Stella: Oh hey.. They hug as Stella cried in his neck.

Kelly: Shhh.

Stella: I hope he isn't going to die..

Kelly: He isn't. Kelly wipe Stella's tears.

Stella: Okay if you say.

Kelly: But are you hurt?

Stella: Nope you told me to be okay..

Kelly: That's good you had me worried. He kissed her forehead.

Stella: It's okay I'm okay. Sylvie walk out crying.

Boden: Brett? How is he?

Sylvie: There still trying to get a pulse.. She laid in Stella's chest as she cried.

Stella: Shhh I know it hurts. She kiss Sylvie's head.

Sylvie: I know I just... I don't know what I would do without him.

Stella: Other than that you have me and everyone here.

Sylvie: I know.. 

Hours went by Casey had lost a lot of blood and there was nothing no one could of done. Dr. Marcel headed to the waiting room as Sylvie immediately stood up.

Sylvie: Is he going to make it?

Dr. Marcel: Casey had lost a lot of blood and there is nothing else we could do..

Sylvie: What? Sylvie broke down, Violet sat her down.

Dr. Marcel: We can't donate blood by time it gets here, Casey is dead.

Sylvie: You can my blood!

Dr. Marcel: We will have to test you.

Sylvie: Do it!

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