My water broke

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Time skip:
Stella's pov:
It's the mid of September! I only have four more months left in my pregnancy. Today I decided to prank Kelly that my water broke since he prank me last week that the babies got kidnapped. The babies are 18 months old. Then I heard a lot of commotion

Ella: Noooo!

Kelly: I'm sorry okay?

Ellie: Cheater!

Kelly: Woah.

Stella: What's going on?

Elijah: Daddy won.

Kelly: No there mad bcs I got to the top and they didn't.

Ellie: Cheater!

Stella: Ugh lemme play. I said in Kelly's lap taking the controller from Ella.

Ella: Win mommy!

Kelly: Boo!

Stella: Okay lemme join on my account.

Kelly: Oh no.. But you look hot by the way. He laugh.

Stella: Okay 3..2..1.. Go! They race up to ladder headed unto the stages.

Kelly: Omg I fell!

Stella: Haha! I ended up making it at the top touching the white button.

Kelly: Roblox suck I'm done.

Stella: You suck actually you can't-

Kelly: No tower of hell sucks ima go play bloxburg.

Ella: Boxburg?

Stella: No baby bloxburg.

Ellie: What's that?

Kelly: This and I wanna alone ima invite Casey.

Stella: Wait your own wife your dumping?

Kelly: No I just don't wanna play with you guys maybe a next time.

Stella: Bro you suck. Kelly gaps.

Kelly: No I do not.

Stella: Oh yes you do you wanna play with Casey delete the house I build for you do it now!

Kelly: Okay fine you can play.

Stella: No ima find something else to do. I got up heading to the fridge.

Kelly: Babe I'm sorry.

Stella: For what?

Kelly: For not wanting to play with you.

Stella: I said it's okay.

Kelly: Yeah but-

Stella: It's fine now drop it.

Kelly: Okay..

Later that day:
General pov:
Kelly: Babe! Ima be right back I'm going to Target!

Stella: Ohh for what?

Kelly: Food groceries.

Ellie: No you can't leave.

Stella: Yeah and I don't.. I don't feel good..

Kelly: Ohh no what happened? He grab her hand as they sat on the couch.

Stella: Oh no she's coming!

Kelly: Wait what!?

Stella: Ah nvm it's.. its gone..

Kelly: Baby you only have four more months left.

Stella: I know. He rub her stomach.

Kelly: Let me see or let's go to the hospital.

Stella: No no Kelly I said it's okay. She got up heading upstairs.

Kelly: No ima stay..

Stella: No go if you want to.

Kelly: I was just going for steak to BBQ tonight but if you aren't-

Stella: No go ima be fine I'll call you if anything happens..

Kelly: Okay bye love you!

Stella: Bye love you too! They kissed before Kelly left.

At Target:
Kelly grab some chicken then he grab some streak putting it in the cart. He then got a phone call from Stella.

On the phone call:
Kelly: Hey baby what's wrong?

Stella: Baby! My water broke! She cried.

Kelly: Oh my god! I'm on my way just going to pay and come home breathe I'm coming!

Stella: Okay!
Stella hung up laughing.

Stella: Guys!

Ellie: Yes?

Stella: We're pranking daddy.

Ella: Ohh bad mommy.

Stella: No we are going to trick him go and watch tv okay?

Babies: Okay. Ella grab the remote as they sat and watch tv. Kelly came in 10 minutes later.

Ellie: Daddy! She pointed at Stella.

Kelly: Babe what happened??

Stella: I don't know.. She cried.

Kelly: Don't cry.

Stella: Your mad at me?

Kelly: No no baby I'm not. She cried sniffing.

Stella: I'm sorry.. Kelly tried calling Natalie.

Kelly: Natalie isn't picking up omg.. Baby are you sure your in labor? It's going to break my heart seeing our baby born like this cuz how if she doesn't make it. He started to tear up.

Stella: Ah ow baby don't cry.. She kissed his head.

Elijah: Mommy?

Stella: Shhhh it's okay. Kelly help Stella up heading outside.

Kelly: We're going to med. He buckle her up.

Stella: No no baby no!

Kelly: Stella where going! He grab the babies heading to the car.

Stella: No no. Stella got out.

Kelly: Sit down!

Stella: Nope you got-

Babies and Stella: Prank! They laugh as Kelly signed.

Kelly: Are you guys serious?? I thought this was real and you shouldn't been doing this shit Stella!

Stella: Excuse me? You prank me last week that the babies got kidnapped and now I got my revenge.

Kelly: Yeah but something else tho not this you can't-

Stella: Well I did and thanks to babies come guys let's go watch a movie.

Babies: Yay! They got out heading inside.

Kelly: Babe?

Stella: No I don't wanna talk to you, saying curse words in front of the kids Kelly? Really? You know they can talk and repeat everything they hear or see.

Kelly: Yeah but what you did make me said that I'm sorry!

Stella: Come. They hug as Kelly cried.

Kelly: I thought you we're actually having our baby now.

Stella: No no hehe.

Kelly: Please don't do anything like that again.

Stella: I promise I won't. They put there arms around each other heading inside.
A/N: Sorry for the short and boring chapter.. I didn't know what to write about.. Sorry for any mistakes

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