Kelly kidnapped part 2

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They got in and headed down to the 21st.
At the 21st district:
Trudy: Girls! What brings you here?

Stella: Trudy I'm here to see Jay, Kelly got kidnapped by Wendy Seager over by O.F.I.

Trudy: Oh no let me buzz you upstairs.

Stella: Thanks. Trudy buzz Stella up in the intelligence unit.

Jay: Hey.

Stella: Hey. They hug as the water settle in Stella's eyes.

Hailey: Hey don't cry we'll find him. She hug Stella.

Stella: I know I know I have a video of her she was talking about how she loves Kelly and that she wants to have his kid.

Hailey: Oh no come.

Stella: Hails?

Hailey: Yeah? Stella grab her hand as she saw her ring.

Stella: Are you married?

Hailey: Yes to mister Jay Halsted. She giggled.

Stella: Omg congratulations!

Hailey: Thank you.

Stella: No problem.
Kelly: Seager plz.

Seager: No! How could you get that bitch pregnant!? You know I was in love with you first. 

Kelly: I didn't know, I knew Stella before you but you could of find me.

Seager: No!

Kelly: Then I'm sorry, but can you let me go? She slap Kelly.

Seager: No we're going to start a family together just the two of us. No Stella bcs next ima going to kill her and those babies!! She make out with Kelly again.

Few hours later:
Kelly: Where you going?

Seager: To go kill your girlfriend and kids so you can be with me!

Kelly: No Seager no! He cried.

Seager: It's to late Kelly on my way I'll take a test to see if I really am pregnant so we can be a family.

Kelly: No! Kelly was sore all over. Every part of him was hurting. He wanted Stella, he wanted to see her. He cried in pain he tried to get out but failed.
Jay: Where did you last see Kelly?

Stella: This morning he was going to store to get some things for the babies but few hours went by and he hadn't called me back which is not like him. Tears rolling down her cheek. She wanted to   marry Kelly now but she wanted the babies to get a little older first.

Hailey: So you have no idea where he is? Except for the warehouse?

Stella: No idk all I know is that he's in a warehouse, Seager had to be so dumb to send that video.

Voight: She had to be, we have patrol cars out looking for him now.

Stella: Thank you. She wipe her tears away.

Kevin: Sarge! We found a black van now leaving the grocery store patrol cars are following but I'm telling you it's Seager who is driving.

Stella: Omg.

Jay: Okay what do we do sarge? Follow?

Voight: Yes let's go!

Jay: Come on Stell. They headed downstairs.

Grace: What's going on?

Hailey: Grace Boston?

Grace: Hailey Upton? You gotta be kidding me!

Jay: Guys let's go! They headed in the cars as they headed to the grocery store and park.

Hailey: Here Stella wear this. She give Stella a bullet prove vest and mask.

Stella: Thanks. They suit up.

Jay: You really shouldn't be helping us your have kids.

Stella: Jay that's my fiancé that is missing and when I do get by Seager ima kill her!

Hailey: Woah here wear these.

Officer Higgins: Sarge? Warehouse has cameras were outside as Wendy Seager just entered the building.

Voight: Copy that were on our way no sirens.

Officer Higgins: Copy.

Adam: Are we ready?

Kim: Here Stell wear these gloves.

Stella: Okay. Jay drove to the ware house.

At the warehouse:
Kim: Sarge we're ready.

Voight: Let's go! Kevin kick the door down.

Cops: CHICAGO P.D! They entered the building with guns, mask and only black on.

Voight: Wendy Seager, your under arrest for kidnapping- But Stella slap Seager across her face.

Stella: You can got rot in jail now bitch! She punch her again. Jay tried to pulled Stella back but Voight said..

Voight: No leave her let her have her a few minutes.

Seager: Don't touch me bitch! She tried to hit Stella but Stella punch her in the face.

Stella: That's what you get for kidnapping my fucking fiancé! She went to hit her again but Jay pick her up. They put Kelly's clothes on and help him up.

Kelly: Stell? Baby? They hug as they broke down.

Stella: It's okay. Stella's hand was red as Kelly saw.

Kelly: How did you learn how to fight?

Stella: In high school and from you.

Kelly: I'll teach you- you once I get out of here and get better..

Stella: Okay, and I'm sorry I didn't protect you..

Kelly: You don't have to protect-

Stella: Yes I do! Yes I do!

Kelly: No Stell I'm the one who is supposed-

Stella: No both of us! Now from on I'm going to be by your side and I'm going to help you got that?

Kelly: I got it. They headed to the hospital.
A/N: That's part two I hope you like it! Part 3 will be out later and that will be updates on Kelly. I'm sorry for any mistakes! Oh and Happy new year!

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