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Stella's pov:
I really enjoyed my alone time with Kelly. I'm so excited to go home and see the babies. Kelly and I were both ready to go home. Suitcases done pack as we were just waiting for the Uber to take us to the airport.

Kelly: Babe it's here! I heard Kelly shouting from the kitchen.

Stella: Okay I'm coming! I told him. I quickly grab my phone and as we headed in the Uber.

At the airport:
Kelly: We have couple of hours.

Stella: Can we go to the shop? I want gummy bears. I told him as he laughed. I was confused waiting for him to reply.

Kelly: Gummy bears are for kids-

Stella: No there for anyone so come.

Kelly: I know I just you seem like a kid when you said you want gummy bears. We laugh as we headed to the shop hand in hand.

Stella: Over here come. I pulled him as I gathered 3 packs of gummies. Kelly laugh at me.

Kelly: Okay yeah your going to eat all those? He ask.

Stella: Yeah you gotta problem with it?

Kelly: No but are you going to share with me? He ask as I rolled my eyes.

Stella: No buy your own. He gaps.

Kelly: Your selfish. He told me as he walk away. I followed him.

Stella: No I just wanted to take some for the babies..

Kelly: How are they supposed to eat those? They barely have teeth. He laugh as I turn red his he obviously knew I was lying.

Stella: I-

Kelly: You're lying aren't you? He ask as I nodded.

Stella: Mhm.

Kelly: So you would share with me?

Stella: Yess! We laugh.

Kelly: Okay well what drink you want?

Stella: Umm. I open the fridge door and took out a Coke as Kelly grab a Pepsi.

Kelly: Here your paying.

Stella: What!?

Kelly: Yeah I don't want to fight with you bcs you like paying so here just this one time.

Stella: Yay! Kelly laugh as I snatch the Pepsi bottle from him.

Kelly: Rude.

Stella: Whatevaaaa! We laugh as I paid for everything. I grab Kelly's hand as we headed to sit down.

Kelly: Cuddle with me?

Stella: Sure. I laid on his shoulder as we ate our gummy bears.

Kelly: Is there a bathroom? I think I drank to much. But then our flight came over the radio.

Stella: Go quickly! Kelly got up and ran to the bathroom after a few minutes he came back.

Kelly: Okay I'm done, don't you wanna go before we go?

Stella: Hold on. I walk to the bathroom as Kelly grab our things. Luckily I arrived back on time.

Kelly: Come! He grab my hand as we board the plane.

Stella: I'm excited to see the babies. I said as I took sip of my drink.

Kelly: Me too. We kiss.

Stella: More gummy bears plz? I give him puppy eyes as he laugh.

Kelly: Su- But then he got caught of by the Captain of the plane.

Stellaride- Losing you would be the end of meWhere stories live. Discover now