Happy Valentine's day my love

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Next day:
Kelly: Happy Valentine's day my love! He said jumping up and down on the bed.

Stella: Baby it's to early.

Kelly: Oh come on!

Stella: Come here tho. He laid in her chest.

Kelly: Happy Valentine's day!

Stella: Happy Valentine's day! They kiss.

Kelly: I have a surprise for you.

Stella: Oh you mean a teddy bear and heart balloons?

Kelly: How did you know?

Stella: It's Valentine's day!

Kelly: Yeah I guess.

Stella: Well let's go down I wanna see it.

Kelly: Sure okay but no babies are aloud.

Stella: Okay. They headed downstairs.

Kelly: Happy Valentine's day! He kiss her cheek.

Stella: Aww you really did all of this?

Kelly: For you.. You see everything is here. I want you to wear this dress. He give her a red dress.

Stella: Me?

Kelly: Yes babe.

Stella: When?

Kelly: Later down today since the babies are going to be here Ellie and Ella are going to match you while Elijah match me.

Stella: Aww.

Kelly: I love you.

Stella: I love you too. They kissed he grab a chocolate placing it on her lips.

Kelly: Eat it. She ate the chocolate as he kiss her deeply.

Ella: Mommy? Stella and Kelly stop.

Kelly: Eh.

Stella: We can continue this later okay?

Kelly: Okay.

Stella: Come. She grab his hand as they headed upstairs.

Kelly: Hello.

Ellie: We are hungry.

Stella: Come let's go downstairs. She pick Ella and Elijah up as Kelly took Ellie. They headed downstairs.

Ella: Woah.

Kelly: Yes woah and you guys aren't going to touch anything!

Ellie: Petty?

Stella: Yes pretty.

Kelly: Okay anything red to eat.

Stella: Red eggs and bacon? That's nasty. He laugh.

Kelly: Anyways.

Later that day:
Kelly: Okay you guys I just found out there's no suits for babies for Valentine's day so I ordered something for you it's kinda babyish but I'm sorry Elijah.

Stella: Aww I feel heartbroken.

Elijah: It's otay mommy.

Stella: Aww come here. They hug.

Ella: So me have to wear baby clothes to?

Ellie: And me?

Kelly: No not really and mommy will get you dressed.

Stella: Okay.. Come you two. She pick them up as they headed upstairs.

Ellie: Aww.

Stella: Come. She got them dress in the little red dresses.

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