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Next day:
Stella: Baby it's wake up time. She said sitting on him laughing.

Kelly: Babe?

Stella: Yeah?

Kelly: Your squashing me.

Stella: I'm sorry. She got off of him laying next to him.

Kelly: Don't be sorry how did you sleep?

Stella: Good, I finally slept without running in the bathroom.

Kelly: That's good, I could really go back to sleep a little longer tho..

Stella: It's okay, go to sleep come when your ready I got the babies don't worry.

Kelly: Are you sure?

Stella: Yes baby sleep please. She covered him up as he fell back to sleep. She kissed his head before going to the babies room.

Ella: Hi mommy.

Stella: Hey munchkin, how's your head? Nvm. She pick Ella up placing her on her hip.

Ellie: Mommy?

Elijah: Mommy?

Stella: Hey you two let's go downstairs and we can open some of your presents you got okay?

Babies: Okay. She pick them up heading downstairs. She place them into their high chair.

Few minutes later:
Kelly: Good morning guys.

Stella: Hey, you do you smell like that?

Kelly: I showered.

Stella: Well I had to be deft bcs I didn't hear any water running.

Kelly: Ohh well Grace, Brett are coming here and I'm going out with Casey and Luke.

Stella: Ohh but the babies surprises.. Your not staying to watch them open their presents?

Babies: Bad daddy. They all started to cry.

Kelly: Oh no..

Stella: Shhhh, it's okay guys.

Kelly: Okay okay I'll stay but let's open them now?

Stella: No don't rush us.

Kelly: Then I'll go then.

Stella: You know what? Where's your phone?

Kelly: What? Why?

Stella: Give it to me.

Kelly: But I did nothing wrong.

Stella: Hand it over.

Kelly: Fine. He give her his phone as she text Casey saying "Casey Kelly isn't going to make it just give him an hour.. Maybe less"

Casey: Ohh what's wrong?

Stella: The babies are crying bcs they want their father to stay with them to open their presents..

Casey: Sure that's okay, I'm getting a little trouble on my end here as well so worries I'll be there in an hour.

Stella: Okay thanks.

Casey: No problem.
End of text.
Stella slam Kelly's phone on the counter.

Stella: Your staying!

Kelly: What's that supposed to mean?

Stella: I said your staying!

Kelly: Why don't you want me to go? Tell me!

Ella: You no want we open pesants. They cried.

Stella: Your own kids Kelly! Kelly signed.

Kelly: Fine whatever.

Stella: No Kelly you don't do us like this! We stayed when you opened your presents, why can't you do the same!? Her voice raise at him.

Kelly: I'm sorry..

Stella: No you apologize to them. Kelly walk up to them.

Ellie: No touch me. She push Kelly away.

Kelly: Ugh then I'll just go then no presents opening. Him and the babies started to fight.

Stella: JUST STOP! She screamed at them her voice going down.

Elijah: We open pesants now.

Stella: Come. Kelly took them out placing them on the floor.

Ellie: Up!

Kelly: You didn't want me to touch you few minutes ago now you want to be pick up? Ellie threw herself on the floor kicking her feet and crying.

Stella: Ellie stop..!

Kelly: Okay you go and drink some water you don't sound to good.

Stella: It's all your fault all four of you. The babies started to cry.

Babies: Bad mommy.

Stella: I don't give a fuc-

Kelly: Let's just! He blurted out before Stella could say anymore.

Stella: I don't care if I'm bad or not tho.

Kelly: Why not?

Stella: Bcs I give birth to them they are the reason there here and I'm saying I don't give a shit if you hate me or not! She said roasting them.

Kelly: Damn.. Guys tell mommy sorry.

Babies: Sowwey mommy..

Stella: It's okay.

Kelly: Good now let's open these presents like a family.

Stella: Okay. They sat down on the floor.

Ella: What that one? She said pointing.

Kelly: Let's open it, it's from me and mommy. The babies teared the wrapping of as there we're three IPad's.

Babies: Woah.

Ella: Mommy, what's this?

Stella: It's an IPad baby.

Kelly: Yeah with cases as well so if you drop it, it wouldn't break.

Stella: Yeah. Ellie grab the other give opening it in.

Ellie: Unmicon.

Kelly: Hahahaha. They look at him.

Stella: Lol.

Elijah: Twruck.

Kelly: Yes buddy truck.

Ella: Ummicon?

Stella: Unicorn.

Kelly: Yes unicorn. Elijah grab the next present. They opened it revealing some clothes, shoes, hair accessories, cologne, baby body wash and toys. All in one box.

Elijah: Oh my God. Kelly and Stella look at each other and laugh.

Kelly: Haha oh my God.

Ella: Pwetty?

Stella: Yes baby, pretty.

Kelly: Awe. Ellie grab the next gift.. It was more shoes, shades, clothes etc.

Stella: Aww yes you guys this is so cute.

Elijah: We open IPad?

Kelly: Your excited aren't you?

Babies: Yes dada. Kelly laugh as he opened one Ipad.

Ella: That mine?

Kelly: No it's your brother's. He put the IPad in the case turning it on.

Stella: Awe. He did the same with the rest. Kelly put there IPad's to charge as they enjoyed the rest of the day.
A/N: Sorry for any mistakes, sorry for the boring chapter.

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