Your something

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In Mexico:
At the hotel:
Lady: Hello welcome!

Stella: Hi I ordered a room.

Lady: Your name?

Stella: Stella Kidd.

Lady: Uhm yeah, room 515 lux-

Stella: Shhh! Don't say anything.

Lady: Right here is your key card hope you enjoyed your stay.

Stella: Thank you. Stella grab Kelly's hand as they headed up the elevator. Stella open the door reveling the luxurious hotel room.

Kelly: Woah babe.

Stella: Hehe happy late Valentine's day haha. She kissed him.

Kelly: Aww babe I love-

Stella: I love you lol.

Kelly: I love you too. He grab her cheeks kissing her.

Stella: Come with me. She grab his hand walking to the bedroom. Things getting steamy as Stella took Kelly's shirt of.

Kelly: Ooo. He push her on the bed. We should have fun.

Stella: Fuck yes come here. They took each each other clothes of.

Kelly: Your something.

Stella: Come on, we have to kids here to worry about. She smiled. Kelly kept on kissing her. "Come on baby I need to feel you already." She said.

Kelly: Yes.

Stella: Get inside of me. She whisper to him. Kelly smirk as he lap Stella's legs around his back. He started to thrusting his hips.

Kelly: You feel better now?

Stella: Mmm. He got faster as Stella moaned louder. Oh Kelly.

Kelly: Hmm. She dig her nails into his back. Kelly slowed down not wanting to hurt the baby.

Stella: Fas..ter.. Mmm.. Please? She moaned. Kelly did as his wife requested. Five minutes later they both cum..

Kelly: Hehe.

Stella: My turn. She push him down over kissing him. She kissed him right down to her hips.

Kelly: Ooo girl you have a magic touch.. He smirked.

Stella: Also I got a magic tongue. She suck his dick looking at him his eyes were close enjoying the moment. After three minutes Kelly push Stella over.

Kelly: My turn. He kissed her all the way to her clit..

Stella: Ah baby. She giggled arching her back and she bit her bottom lip. Pretty soon Kelly was back on top.

Kelly: Ooo baby. He kissed her lips roughly.

Stella: Faster... She was gasping for air. I'm going to cum ah baby it's night time I'm to tried after that flight! She let out a moan.

Kelly: Hold on. They cum as Kelly laid next to Stella cuddling with her.

Stella: Damn baby you really know how to make the night eventful.

Kelly: Haha just for you baby just for you. He kissed her cheek before going to sleep.

Next morning:
Kelly got up before Stella could. He threw some clothes on as he headed to the balcony. He opened the door sitting on the couch. Stella woke up tapping the bed not finding Kelly.

Stella: Kelly? He heard her voice, he got up heading inside.

Kelly: Hi baby how did you sleep?

Stella: Good you really tired me out last night. She smirked.

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