She's going to be okay

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Luke: Sure. He headed to the vending machine. But before he could get back he heard "Code Blue" it was coming from Grace's room....

W Halsted: Charge the paddles!

Luke's pov:
I see Doris doing CPR and April drawing a milligram of Epi. I was panicking, Grace was doing fine a few minutes ago now she's crashing again!

April: Pushing Epi! Epi's in!

Doris: He got a pulse!

W Halsted: Okay let's get her to surgery!

Luke: What's going on?

W Halsted: She teared a stitch so she's bleeding out we're going to stitch it back.

Luke: Fix my girl!

W Halsted: I will. He headed upstairs.
Brett: Matt? She tap him.

Casey: Hmm?

Brett: Let's get out of here I wanna see Stella.

Casey: Sure. He help her put her shoes on and headed to Stella's room.

Brett: Hi. She said softly.

Stella: Oh hii, how are you feeling?

Brett: Good.

Stella: Where are they taking Grace?

Brett: Back to surgery she pull a stitch.

Stella: Oh no.

Brett: How long do you have to wear that? She look at her cast.

Stella: 2 months top then I have to go physical therapy.

Brett: Oh man, I have to wear this for a month and stay home for 1 week after.

Stella: Ugh! And we didn't even taste the drink or whatever Grace was talking about we ended up crashing. They laughed.

Brett: That isn't funny tho we could of died.

Stella: I know I know.

Brett: I hope Grace is okay I mean she can't die!

Stella: Yeah my best friend can't die!

Brett: I'll go find out an update on her.

Stella: Okay. She left.

Kelly: What was that about? He said waking up.

Stella: Oh we were just talking.

Kelly: Cool, should we tell them your pregnant?

Stella: Um no not yet.

Kelly: Okay. Natalie knock the door.

Natalie: Stell?

Stella: Yeah?

Natalie: Tomorrow you will get out of here remember stay of your feet!

Stella: Fine okay, wait how I'm I supposed to shower if I can't stand?

Natalie: You guy's don't have a bath tub?

Kelly: Nope.

Natalie: Kelly can hold you will you shower or you can sit and shower.

Stella: Okay.

Natalie: You guys hungry?

Stella and Kelly: Yes!

Natalie: What would you like? We have burgers and fries, that's the only unhealthy food we have.

Stella and Kelly: Burger and fries! They all laughed.

Natalie: And I know you like milkshake so vanilla milkshake with pickle to help with your craving?

Stella: Eww and can you grab a clothes pin and ice cream? They laughed.

Natalie: Sure. She left to get the order.

Kelly: Haha.

Stella: What?

Kelly: Pickle!

Stella: Eww. They laughed.

Few hours later:
Grace had gotten out of surgery few hours ago. Just waiting for her to wake up.

Luke: Plz baby plz wake up. He squeezed her hand.

Grace: Luke? Baby? She said softly.

Luke: Hii. He kiss her head.

Grace: What happened?

Luke: You had to back to surgery. He stroke her head.

Grace: How's Stella and Sylvie?

Luke: Sylvie has a fractured arm other than that she's okay, but Stella she has large cuts all over her left foot she has a cast, she was in surgery yesterday but other than that she's fine.

Grace: That's good to hear.

Luke: Yeah, ima let you get some rest okay?

Grace: Okay. Less than a minute she was fast asleep.

Kelly: Are you ready to get out of here tomorrow?

Stella: Yess! But are you sure your going to take care of me for two months?

Kelly: Come on you know I would help that's why I'm here.

Stella: Yeah..

Kelly: What's wrong? You feel like I can't do it?

Stella: Yeah but two months!

Kelly: Nothing is wrong with that, we're going to start looking for houses and stuff soon.

Stella: Really?

Kelly: Yes!

Stella: Sure okay.

Kelly: You good?

Stella: No I want a next milkshake with ice and pickle! They laughed.

Kelly: Eww how could you eat that?

Stella: It's a pregnancy craving gosh. She rolled her eyes.

Kelly: You don't gotta be so rude. He rolled his eyes.

Stella: Get out and sleep in the chair.

Kelly: No no!

Stella: Good.
Brett: So Stella is getting discharge tomorrow you wanna go grab somethings from her place? For her and Kelly?

Casey; That's sounds good, and I still have the key so let's go. They headed over to Kelly's apartment.

Brett: Come. They pack some clothes for Stella and Kelly.

Casey: Okay, now we have to get there deodorant and soaps.

Brett: Which one is Stella's?

Casey: This? He held up a pick women's deodorant.

Brett: Good, and cream?

Casey: Everything is good let's go back now.

Brett: Okay. He drove back to the hospital.

Kelly: Night baby!

Stella: Night babe! They cuddle into each other and was soon fast asleep. Brett and Casey stood in the door way in awe seeing there best friend asleep.
A/N: Thank you guys so much for 3k reads I really appreciate it! What should I do for the next chapter should I skip till when Stella is in labor or should I skip to a week and do the house search?

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