Last shift before the wedding

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One month later:
It's February 31st 2022! Stella and Kelly are getting married March 2nd 2022. Stella had her cast removed four days ago. Kelly had been counseled as they we're both cuddling in bed. Stella started to wake up.

Stella: Baby wake up. She tap him.

Kelly: Five more minutes.

Stella: Fine but I'm going to get the babies things ready.

Kelly: There 11 months old.

Stella: Yeah. She turned her light on.

Kelly: Turned that of. He groaned.

Stella: Baby it's 5:16 and we have shift at 7:00 and you know how long you take to get ready.

Kelly: Fine. They got out as they wash there face.

Stella: I look kinda dead. They laugh.

Kelly: You just woke up when you take a shower everything you'll look better. He kissed her cheek.

Stella: I know. They headed downstairs hand in hand. Kelly turned the tv on turning the volume down.

Kelly: Babe why do you always like to watch this?

Stella: What?

Kelly: The Bachelor.

Stella: Bcs it's cool plus your the bachelor.

Kelly: I know. He put the tv on Tom and Jerry.

Stella: Are you a- But she felt the touch of Kelly's body on hers.

Kelly: Shhh baby.. Our last shift before the wedding. She felt his hands running down her thighs.

Stella: Kelly. She let out a gaps of air.

Kelly: Shhh. He left kisses on her neck.

Stella: Stop. She laugh pushing him away.

Kelly: Oh come on I can't enjoy this?

Stella: I'm sorry no. She laugh grabbing the juices out the fridge.

Kelly: Okay fine what can I help you with?

Stella: Thank you but I think I got it.

Kelly: What. Do. You. Need. Help. With?

Stella: Uhm well can you grab the bread and the food for the babies oh and the peanut butter and jam?

Kelly: Sure. Stella hot the food in the microwave as Kelly made the sandwiches.

Stella: Thanks baby. She give him a kiss which lasted longer than expected.

Kelly: Damn girl ima pinned you on the bed after the wedding. He smirk as they both laugh.

Stella: We'll see but tomorrow we get separated..

Kelly: Yeah I'm kinda pissed.

Stella: Don't be.

Kelly: Fine oh my mom is coming in today she has something plan for us.

Stella: Oooo.

Kelly: Yeah.

Stella: Jell-o, apple slices and grape slices in the bowl.

Kelly: Here let's put them in the lunch boxes. They pack every thing in the lunch box and pack them in the lunch bag.

Stella: Okay eggs and bacon for breakfast?

Kelly: Sure I'll make the coffee and the babies bottle-

Stella: Are you excited for a next baby? If I get pregnant? She said cutting him off.

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