The perfect way

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Kelly: The house baby it's ours! He scream in excitement.

Few days later:
Luke's pov:
Grace was now coming home, Stella and Kelly were in the waiting room waiting for her to come out.

Luke: Okay baby are you ready to go home?

Grace: Yeah.

Luke: Okay, give me the bag.

Grace: Okay let's go now. They walk out hand in hand.

Luke: Look.

Grace: Stell? What you doing here?

Stella: To take you home! They hug.

Grace: Ohh.

Stella: Well Sylvie told me come here bcs we were going home tomorrow, which is today.

Grace: Oh she's coming for us? She ask getting excited.

Stella: Yeah.

Grace: Okay. She look down at her stomach.

Stella: What?

Grace: Omg girly! She grab her hand as they headed to the bathroom. Luke and Kelly look at each other.

In the bathroom:
Stella: What?

Grace: Hold your shirt up.

Stella: Why?

Grace: Do it!

Stella: Fine.. She hold her shirt up. Grace gaps.

Grace: Omg Stells your pregnant! She said excitedly.

Stella: I am.

Grace: How far are you?

Stella: About 18 weeks?

Grace: Omg, I'm going to be an aunty! Or your choosing Sylvie?

Stella: Both of you!

Grace: Yay! They hug.

Stella: Aren't you mad?

Grace: No, what makes you think that?

Stella: Bcs you haven't gotten pregnant yet.

Grace: I will be some day, I really wanted a baby but very soon I'll have one in my arms.

Stella: Grace this isn't one baby I'm carrying, it's triplets!! She shouted in excitement. Grace mouth drop.

Grace: What? Your having triplets!? Omg I'm going to be a aunt of three! They laugh.

Stella: Yeah three babies.

Grace: And no one knows?

Stella: Nope only me, Kelly and you.

Grace: Aww, I can't wait to meet them. She place her hand on Stella's stomach.

Stella: Same, my first ever babies.

Grace: I don't know if I can take care of three babies but I'll babysit these any time you want girly, now that I have Lukey boo. They laugh.

Stella: Girl yes let's get out of here. They headed out.

Grace: We're like twins same hair colour and almost the same hair length but yours longer.

Stella: I know you wanted your hair like mine but it wouldn't work but I have an idea.

Grace: What?

Stella: Come by the apartment later if your free, me and Kelly were packing and trying to move things over to the house.

Grace: Wait, you guys got it?

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