I wanna be a family again

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Two days later:
Stella send a text message to Kelly saying she's taking Ella to med to get counseling on the separation anxiety thing.. He responded back asking do you need me to come? Stella message him back saying I mean she's your daughter so it's fine. They currently didn't have shift today.

At Med:
Kelly and Stella sat in the waiting room as Ella was watch Hotel Transylvania 2 on Kelly's phone.

Kelly: What time is it? Stella grab her phone checking the time.

Stella: It's now 10:01.

Kelly: Ah it was supposed to be at 10:00.

Stella: Why are you rushing tho? She laugh.

Kelly: No reason but at least we know the baby that is growing inside of you is real.

Stella: I guess.

Kelly: Are you ever going to be a-

Natalie: Come on Stella! She came out of the room picking Ella up as they headed to the sit down in the room as Ella continued watching Kelly's phone.

Kelly: Come on baby give it to me.

Ella: No!

Natalie: Go on Ella you don't wanna give mommy or daddy any trouble.

Sarah R: Hello!

Stella and Kelly: Hii.

Sarah R: Okay so what are we looking at today?

Natalie: You guys come with me.. Ella got down playing with the toys..

Sarah R: Hi Ella I'm Sarah Reese.. Why don't we play with some toys and game and mommy and daddy will be outside okay. Stella and Kelly got up heading outside.

Ella: ... But.. I want my mommy.

Sarah R: Yeah I understand but.. Just for 10 minutes okay? I will set my timer and when that's up we'll let mommy back in okay?

Ella: Can I pway? She ask holding up some toys.

Sarah R: Sure you can.. Okay.. Ella, you love your mommy right?

Ella: Yes!

Sarah R: And you don't like when mommy leaves you alone? Ella look at her and shook her head, with sadness in her eyes.

Ella: No..

Sarah R: Why don't you like when mommy leaves?

Ella: Daddy left mommy.. And mommy and daddy were sad.. I don't want to be sad when mommy leaves.. Stella and Kelly look at each other.

Sarah R: How do you feel when mommy leaves?

Ella: Scared.. Mommy makes me safe..

Sarah R: Don't you.. Feel safe when mommy isn't around. Ella was now crying as she nodded her head.

Ella: Mhm.

Sarah R: Hey, hey look it's okay.. It's okay that you feel that way.. It's good that your telling me this.. Sarah started to comfort Ella.

Ella: I want mommy and daddy together again.. Tears rolling down Ella's cheek. Stella and Kelly were outside the room and could of hear the whole conversation. Stella was tearing up at Ella was talking about her and Kelly's break up.

Back in the room:
Sarah R: You want mommy and daddy back together?

Ella: Yes.. Mommy and daddy used to be happy.. Now everything is scary.. I wanna be a family again.. Sarah was surprised by how much Ella knew and understands.

Sarah R: Ella.. When mommy isn't with you, what do you think will happen?

Ella: I don't know.. Something bad.. I don't.. Want more bad things to happen.. I wanna be happy again. I don't wanna be scared anymore... Stella was in full-blown tears at what her daughter was saying..

Stella's mind: She isn't happy? Oh my God..

Back in the room:
Sarah R: Ella, you can still be happy. You don't have to worry all the time. You have your siblings and friends you can talk to. You have me, Doctor Charles.. Do you talk to mommy or daddy about this?

Ella: No.. They're always busy.. And I'm scared about what they would say.. At this point Kelly and Stella look at each other in tears.. Kelly pulled Stella into a hug as she cried in his neck.

Kelly: Stella don't cry.. He rub her back kissing her head. P

Stella: When we're together we make her happy! And now that we aren't a couple anymore she feels broken.. She cried.

Kelly: Baby don't say that.. Sorry I mean Stella don't say that.. Everything will be fine. Stella pulls away from the hug as she thinks for a minute. She grab Kelly's chin kissing him aggressively. It hit him as he was surprised.. He wanted more than just a kiss he grab her waist as she pulled away..

Stella: No call me baby, we were so caught up in ourselves.. We didn't see how this whole situation made the kids felt..

Kelly: No baby I cause the problem.. I blame you for cheating on me with Grant and I shouldn't have done that.. It's okay we don't have to be a couple if you don't feel comfortable it's totally understandable. He kiss her head.

Stella: It's okay.. Then Sarah and Ella came out of the room. Ella ran and hug them tightly..

Kelly: Aww baby we're going to be a family again don't worry.. He pick her up.

Stella: And why couldn't you tell us this before?

Ella: No you be mad at me. She said playing with her fingers..

Stella: No I wouldn't baby. Ella climb over to Stella.

Ella: We go back home now?

Sarah R: If she doesn't want anyone to touch her in the next week you can come back.

Stella: She panics when I'm not around and it's been getting worse..

Sarah R: Because she misses you when you go and shift and she thinks you get hurt or die that's like..

Kelly: Come on Ella let's go and get a chocolate bar yeah?

Ella: Okay. Stella put Ella down as Kelly grab her hand heading to the vending machine.

Sarah R: That's like killing herself.. Suicide.. And God forbid if you do die that's going to be hard for her..

Stella: I guess I'll talk to her later.. Thanks Sarah..

Sarah R: No problem..

Back at the house:
Kelly: Can we be a family again? Will you move back in? Ella and Stella at each other and Ella pinch her.

Stella: Ow! Ella laugh. Okay fine I guess why not?

Ella: Yay!

After a few hours later:
After few hours had gone by Stella and Kelly we're happy again.. They weren't fully together again but they were taking things slow.. Ellie and Elijah we're in daycare with Shaylynn. Sarah Amaya was in school working hard to make her parents proud. Kelly, Stella and Ella hang out together having fun until the kids came home.
A/N: I hope you guys like this chapter, sorry for any mistakes!

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