Omg.. I think my water just broke..

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One month later:
December 7th:
At the firehouse:
A month has pass as it's now December 7th. Kelly and Stella we're both on shift as Stella was just finishing of paperwork before she leaves for a year. Kelly was sitting at the desk doing paperwork as Stella walk in.

Kelly: Hey babe!

Stella: Why I'm I not in labor yet? She signed.

Kelly: When are you due again? 12th or the 13th?

Stella: I think the 12th.. I don't know I can't remember..

Kelly: Damn we don't remember when our own kid is born. They chuckled.

Stella: It's December 12th.

Kelly: You have 5 more days left then baby S will be here. He kiss Stella's stomach.

Stella: Shift is over lets go pick the babies up bcs we are decorating the nursery which your not allowed to see actually.

Kelly: Question for ya.

Stella: Shoot.

Kelly: Who's help you with this?

Stella: Grace we have most of the things, the wall's are white and pink and white theme.

Kelly: Aww.

Stella: Yeah you'll see it once it's done tho don't get sad.

Kelly: I won't. He grab her hand as she already has his bag. He giggled before thanking her. They headed to the daycare picking the babies up and heading home.

Ellie: Mommy baby sissy?

Stella: Soon baby soon.

Kelly: Are maybe now.

Stella: Don't wish for it Kel!

Kelly: Aww you call me Kel. She kiss him parking up at the house as Grace was outside chilling.

Grace: Hey you! The room is done painted, Luke is sticking the letter S on the wall, we got the stroller and everything here's your change. She give Stella her change.

Stella: Thanks.

Luke: Room is done now crib and everything is ready to be set up just waiting for it to dry.

Stella: Thanks guys for coming.

Grace: Haha, where's my money?

Stella: You said it was free..

Grace: I'm just kidding lol.

One hour later:
Stella: Hey baby the room is done ready to see?

Kelly: Yess! He headed upstairs as she open the door.

Stella: Baby Shaylynn's room!

Kelly: Aww this is so cute! I love it so much babe! He kiss her head.

Stella: Not a head kiss Kelly! She got mad and kiss him on his lips as he laugh.

Kelly: This is cool tho the name Shay over the crib it's.. It's cute.. He sniff wiping his tears.

Stella: Aww baby Shay would be proud of you don't cry. She hug him as he let a few tears fall.

Kelly: She was my best friend babe! And ever since she died and then you almost died you could of been up there with her.. I couldn't lose you either babe.. He tried not to cry as Stella grab his hands.

Stella: I'm not going to leave you babe. They hug tightly not letting go off each other.

Kelly: I don't wanna ever lose you no one can ever replace you Stells not even my ex's.

Stellaride- Losing you would be the end of meWhere stories live. Discover now