Awe you're cute, I love you!

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Few weeks later:
It's October 27th! Four more days till Halloween. Stella and Kelly we're both at home today bcs they was no shift. Its currently 11:03am and Stella was playing video games on her phone.

Kelly: Hey baby.

Stella: Hey. They kissed.

Kelly: What do you wanna do today?

Stella: I don't know.

Kelly: Well guess what they babies are doing.

Stella: Oh no, what?

Kelly: They literally woke up early climb out of there cribs again and now there doing what?

Stella: On the IPad?

Kelly: Yup.

Stella: Oh no, what time we're they up from?

Kelly: 5:45.

Stella: You kidding, we got to stop them.

Kelly: And you we're playing to.

Stella: Bcs I have nothing to do. She got up heading to the babies room.

Ellie: It A B C D. She said putting the blocks together, playing the game on her Ipad.

Ella: C is for cat c-c cat. Kelly and Stella laugh as the babies look at them.

Stella: Guys stop you we're on here from morning that's bad for your eyes

Babies: But mommy! They groaned.

Kelly: Listen to mommy please. He took there IPad's away as they started to cry.

Stella: Guys stop! You'll have it later when it's done charge but now let's go downstairs now. The babies got up as they headed downstairs. They were still pretty mad as Kelly turned the tv on.

Kelly: Here just play any game and be quite. He give them the controller to play roblox, they were getting better and better using it as they use to watch their parents playing.

Stella: Awe that's cute.

Kelly: Your cute too. He place her on the counter.

Stella: What do you wanna do today?

Kelly: When last we're you in Molly's?

Stella: Idk maybe a year..?

Kelly: Damn baby I think we should go there.. Grace works there too.

Stella: I know already haha.

Kelly: And not to work but to get a drink were going tonight.

Stella: But we can't take babies in a bar.

Kelly: We can get a nanny to come and watch them tonight.

Stella: No Kelly I don't wanna go.

Kelly: Why not?

Stella: If you wanna go then go I'm not stopping you.

Kelly: But I wanna go with you.

Stella: Ask Casey or Luke to go with you.

Kelly: No! I'll stay home.

Stella: No! Go, your always around me, day and night 24/7 and you don't have time for yourself so can you just go and have fun?

Kelly: Omg.. I can't believe you just said that.

Stella: What?? I didn't say anything wrong just go.. You and the boys out of town please? She started to tear up.

Kelly: Baby I-

Stella: Please? Just go.

Kelly: But what about you? What if something happens to-

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