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Jay awoke at nine in the morning from a painful and guilty dream.He was unable to sleep properly after what he did to Jungwon the previous night. He hadn't meant to be that harsh towards the boy and he knew he went too far when he saw how devastated Jungwon looked. That was his husband, not just any random girl or fling.

But he hated how soft Jungwon made him feel. He hated being soft and showing affection because that's what people take advantage of. Like Cho-hee did.

Jay pushed the memory aside, and went to check on Jungwon in the room he was staying in.

As soon as he opened the door, a cold wind blew in his face.

''It's like minus a hundred degrees in here!'' he exclaimed. ''Why didn't he...''

That's when Jay saw Jungwon. It was heartbreaking how the boy thought Jay was such a monster, he lay curled up in a ball sleeping at the edge of the bed. He was shivering from the cold and his position looked painful.

Jay went over to him and covered him with the blanket.

''Jungwon...'' he called out softly. ''It's okay babe, relax your body-''

''P...please don't hurt me!!'' Jungwon cried covering his face.

 Jay was confused. ''What are you talking about?! I'm not going to hurt you, I'm not like that.''

''B...but you hate me!''

''I hate you but that doesn't mean I'll hurt you! We're married now right? Whether we like it or not, we have to live with it.''

Jungwon uncovered his face revealing his puffy eyes and red cheeks.

''W..why do you hate me so much? You don't even know me..''

Jay couldn't really tell him the truth so he made up a lie.

''I'm just 18: I didn't want to get married.''

''So you think I'm happy with my parents just signing me off to some stranger?'' Jungwon  asked. ''I didn't want to get married too you know. I still want to experience life as well.''

''But you married me for my money.'' Jay told him.

Jungwon smiled spitefully. ''Of course that's what you think. Rich people all tend to think the same way. I don't want your money Jay! I was living my poor life perfectly fine before you came along.''

''Really? That's not what your parents said.''

''Well I'm not like my parents! Money doesn't make me happy like it does for them.''

''Then what makes you happy Park Jungwon?''

''I don't know... being around people that actually care for me and love me.''

Jay looked at him and thought for a moment. ''Then let's try to make this marriage work.''

Jungwon thought Jay was just teasing him.

'''s not funny to make fun of me Jay!''

''Am I laughing?''


''Are you laughing ?'' Jay asked.


''Then how can it be funny.''

It still bothered Jungwon why Jay was being so kind all of a sudden. There had to be an ulterior motive.

''Why the change of heart?''

''I don't know, according to the contract we're in it till death. Why must I live the rest of my life in agony.''

'' you don't hate me anymore?''

''I still hate you, don't push it.''

Jungwon smiled because he knew that wasn't the complete truth. But he wouldn't 'push it' as Jay said.

''If you aren't sleepy anymore, we have breakfast to attend at my parents' house exactly... one hour from now.''

Jungwon kicked the blanket off the bed. ''Why didn't you tell me sooner? I'm not ready!!''

''Should I call and tell them we can't make it because we had a long night?''

''What long night??'' the younger asked in disgust. ''I'm doing fine! I'm not sore or anything.''

Jay frowned, ''What are you talking about? I'm talking about our wedding!!''

''Oh... our wedding..''

''Don't tell me you were thinking about that!!''

''!!'' Jungwon lied. ''Now please leave, I need to take a shower!''

''Buttt...since we're on the topic.. we're gonna have to do it eventually-''

''Jay no!! I'm not ready!!''

''Fine, I'll wait for you. For however long it takes, so take your time.''

Jungwon began to blush. ''I thought you hated me.''

''Forget that, we're married now.''

Jungwon took his pillow and threw it at Jay. ''Leave!!''

''I know you're thinking about it Jungwonie...'' Jay teased.

''I. Said. Leave!''

When Jay left, Jungwon was in a frenzy. He never even had his first kiss as yet let alone do ANYTHING with Jay. The thought made him nervously sick.


Jay and Jungwon were on their way to the breakfast gathering at the Park Residence. Jungwon had been biting his nails anxiously as Jay drove in silence.



''Why'd you choose me out of all people to marry?''

''My Dad had this intuition that you were the right one. He took one look at the profile of the other girls and decided they would be a burden.''

''Do you think I'll be a burden?''

''Yes, I'm glad you asked.''

''So why'd you marry me? You could've married a rich girl from some prestigious family.''

''I married you  to prove to my Dad that I am and can be mature enough to take over his businesses. Marriage makes you mature and that's the type of leader a business needs. If I'm not mature enough, I'll ruin EVERYTHING. That's billions and billions of dollars down the drain.''

''B..but what if I can't make you mature? What if I-''

''I'm not opening up to you anymore. I hate doing that, it makes me vulnerable and weak.''

''No, it doesn't.''

''Yes it does.''

''Fine. I'll agree to disagree. You're a dick.''

''Since you have a big mouth as usual, give me 10 reasons why I shouldn't swerve this car off the road.''

''Okay. 1, you'll be doing me a favour anyway, 2,-''

''Enough. Stop talking.''

''I swear your'e bipolar.''

'No, you idiot.' Jay thought. 'You're making me smile and I hate how easy it is for you do that!'

''Are you smiling right now??'' Jungwon asked loudly.


''You are!! I knew it! My wonie effect is rubbing off on you! You know what Jay, I think I'll help you become the best CEO in history.''

''Aish, shut up brat!''

Jay tried his utmost best to refrain from smiling but he just couldn't help it. Not with Jungwon.

And that's why he needed to hate the boy..

Married To The Young Tycoon[𝔍aywon ]Where stories live. Discover now