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''Do you think he's okay?'' Jay asked his trusted companion, Chonghae, when they dropped Jungwon off at school.

''No, I don't wanna say what's wrong because I really don't know and at the same time, you'd be an ass to not know something is going on.''

''Maybe he's nervous to see his friends again.''

Chonghae knew that couldn't be the problem. He did after all find Jungwon nearly bleeding out to his death this morning. He was so close to telling Jay but he figured the boy wasn't ready for all that baggage. It was too soon.

''Speaking of 'friends', did your Mother have a talk with you already?''

''Oh she did. She told me off so severely and she says 'lucky Dad wasn't at home'. ''

''Yeahhh...maybe she's right on that. You know how strict your dad can be when it comes to your 'playboy' attitude.''

''Hey, hey, hey, in my defence, Hana is NOT my girlfriend. She's another one of those obsessed people that can't seem to leave me alone.''

''I was there when she claimed to be you 'girlfriend', your Mother was about to go livid. She likes Jungwon for you that's why, and the thought of you playing him would've cost you your life..''

Jay stared out the window. ''Can you tell the difference? When he's with me?''

''It's clear as crystal Jay.''

''And what if he breaks my heart?''

''Do you like him?''

''You know I do..''

''Then you'd know he likes you too. Not to be the sentimental type or anything but he's... the one I think-''

Jay groaned dramatically. ''Not 'the one' thing again, you sound like my Dad.''

''I'm just saying...he could be the star to your Christmas tree..''

''He is.'' Jay whispered lowly to himself.

''Say that louder.''

''He IS... He is the star not only to my Chrstmas tree but my life!''

''Now that I have you recorded, you must do everything I say for twenty-four hours.'

''Wait, w..what??!''

''First thing's first.. take him on a date TODAY.''


''It can be a cosy indoor date. If you don't do it- and I WILL ask him mind you- I'll release this recording.''

''Oh yeah tough guy? To who?''

''Papa Park, Grandpa Park, Great Grandpa Park, your ig account- I have your password by the way- your friends, your HUSBAND HIMSELF-''

''OK, OK, OK, OK!!! I'll do it!! But I am NOT happy with being blackmailed. I did NOT consent to this, this is ILLEGAL..''

Once the duo arrived outside's Jay's school, Jay prepared himself for the upcoming headache he was about to receive.

''Okay Chonghae, if I die today,you are the executor of my will- kill anybody who hurts my baby Wonie and DON'T forget to pick him up at three SHARP. Also I love you like my father, have a good rest of your day.''

''Goodbye to you to Jongseong.''

Jay took a deep, long breath. School.


Married To The Young Tycoon[𝔍aywon ]Where stories live. Discover now