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'Are we falling apart?'

Jungwon woke up remembering those words that Jay said to him last night. When he heard it, he sat down and looked at Jay with confusion in his eyes.

Were they? No,no. Jungwon would never think that and he wouldn't want it to come to fruition.


''Jay, I love you.''

''And I love you too, Jungwon. But I need a break.''

Well, Jay never actually said that he need a break but somehow, Jungwon could see the look in his eyes.

And, then, Jay took a bag and left in the middle of the night.

Jungwon felt the elder kiss his cheek before leaving and seconds after, Jungwon began crying.

He wanted Jay and he wanted Jay to want him. If that couldn't happen, what was the purpose of living.

(08:30 A.M.)

Chonghae had come to take Amelia and Emily to the zoo because Jungwon couldn't handle the sight of children right now. Besides, Chonghae was actually extremely good and caring for children. It made Jungwon wonder why he was single.

He didn't know how to explain it but he needed Jay here with him. He wanted to hurt himself again as he remembered what Eunah did. How she shamed him to the point of humiliation.

And his sensitivity from being pregnant only worsened the feeling. Greatly.

Mi Amor (Hubby💕)

'Jay, come home please, I miss you.'

'I'm hungry.'

'I'm crampy.'

'I'm sorry.'

'Can I wear your shirts or hoodies?'

'Do you miss me as much as I miss you??'

After spamming his husband with confusing messages, Jungwon went to take a shower and fell asleep in the tub.

He woke up when Mr.Trouble bit his finger to inform him of the visitors outside. That's when Jungwon heard the sound of the bell ring throughout the house again.

It was strange because he wasn't expecting any visitors and not not very much people knew where he lived.

And he'd later regret ever opening that door.


''Mr.Trouble, no misbehaving- stop biting my foot!''

It's like his rabbit was preventing him from going any further but he didn't know that.

Jungwon opened the door and nearly-literally-dropped to his death. The colour drained from his face.

His parents. Here with him alone- no

''Good morning, dear!'' his mother said 'kindly'. ''Is Jay here?''

He opened his mouth to say 'no' but there was no sound and his parents understood this to be a 'no'.

Mrs.Yang shoved Jungwon aside and together she and her husband entered the house. Like they were the owners.

And- this can't be emphasised enough- they were burning, burning with rage and jealousy.

Jay, obviously, did not house his husband in any cheap, small house. All the acres of wood that surrounded the house belonged to the Park family. So, Mr. and Mrs. Yang seeing just the entry of the house knew very the fortune they stood in.

Married To The Young Tycoon[𝔍aywon ]Where stories live. Discover now