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Jay hadn't gotten any rest that night. He was constantly in and out of sleep and eventually stayed up altogether.

Was Jungwon ok? Would he be ok?

There hadn't been any sign of him after he locked himself in his room. And as much as Jay hated to admit it, he was worried about Jungwon.

He didn't care or worry about anyone , so why should this boy matter? That was a question he was unable to answer. Or... maybe he knew the answer and was in doubt about it.

But what had caused Jungwon to react in that way? According to the research Jay was doing currently, Jungwon had an anxiety attack. The only cause that made sense and applied to Jungwon's case was the mention of a triggering word or memory.

Jay thought hard and long. What did he say, what did he do?

The reaction happened after he mentioned 'school', could it be?

No, surely the word 'school' couldn't cause such an effect on a person. It had to be something else.

Maybe, it was Mrs.Yang. Maybe it was her harassment at breakfast that made Jungwon upset.

Was it that deep though? It appeared to be a one time thing. Jungwon didn't look like he was being mistreated at home.

'Think Park Jongseong.'

When the proposal was brought before Mr. and Mrs.Yang, they literally signed the contract without reading it. All they heard was money- and obviously, they knew the status of the Park dynasty.                                                                                                                                                                                        Jay remembered Jungwon hadn't even been present when the contract was signed. He read it a day after he was shoved into the arranged marriage and they only met Thursday night, the night before their wedding. And that was  for a minute just for meetings sake.

'It's something right under my nose. And one way or another, I'll find out what it is.'

He checked the time on his phone: 03:00 a.m

Two and a half hours before the couple left for their honeymoon to Jeju Island.


Jungwon had set an alarm  for 03:30 a.m so he could be up and ready to leave for his honeymoon with Jay.

Honestly, he was so nervous for this trip, he decided to use it as  a cover-up for the real reason he had a breakdown.

His bags were already packed, no, his bag was packed. He had a very limited amount of clothes. His parents always thought it was a burden to spend money on clothes for him, but for themselves? They bought the finest brands and materials.

That's why they were broke without actually being rich in the first place. And that's why he started school one year later than all the other kids his age.

'Enough Jungwon, you have one week until hell. At least enjoy it to its fullest.'

He had a difficult time taking a shower due to the intense, burning on his wrists and arms. That would have to stay hidden from Jay. AT ALL COSTS.

By 04:00 a.m, he was ready to leave. Ready to enjoy a week of peace.

''Good morning .'' Jay greeted warily.

''I'd say the same to you but you look terrible. Trouble sleeping?''

''No, I wasn't thinking about you!!''

Married To The Young Tycoon[𝔍aywon ]Where stories live. Discover now