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After Jungwon had received that text from his mother, with much hesitation, he set out to visit them.

On his way there, he could see in every object, something telling him to go back. Telling him that this wasn't a good idea.

But the love somewhere in his heart for them prevented him from listening to that voice.

When he arrived at their house, he could see his mother looking at him in the window. She looked like that old, creepy lady everyone wanted nothing to do with.

She didn't look sad nor did she look remorseful, she looked scary.

''Oh, Jungwon. My dear, come in.''

The boy looked outside for one last time, that was his last chance to escape- if he chose to grab that opportunity. But he didn't.

He entered the house sceptically, looking around for his father.

''He's in the kitchen.'' his mother said in a low tone.

Everywhere was cold and dark but yet still, he gave them the benefit of the doubt.

Mr.Yang was indeed in the kitchen but one thing was for sure. He did not look sick.

''Thank god, you're here. Took you long enough.''

The man looked at his wife with that secret look of approval.


''I need to use the bathroom.'' Jungwon said suddenly.

''It's down the hall.'' Mrs.Yang replied suspiciously.

The boy took off and locked himself in the bathroom. This was a mistake.

Coming here was a mistake. What was he thinking? His parents would never change.

Just as he was about to call Jay, his parents came banging on the door.

''Jungwon, get out of there! We know you don't actually need to use the bathroom!''

They sounded so aggressive, so vicious. So much so that the boy forgot to even make the call to his husband.

''Get out or we'll have to drag you out!!''

''You lied to me! Again!''

His mother laughed bitterly. ''Of course, we lied. What did you expect, fool? You think we'd apologise to you?''

''Why?'' Jungwon cried, sadly. ''Why are you doing this to me?''

''Because we don't like you!'' she screamed back. ''All we need you for is to make money for us. You've been married to that Park boy long enough now.''

''We're gonna ship you off to Thailand to become the concubine to some Prince. We've maxed out everything we could here, already.''

Jungwon began to cry even harder. He was such a fool to fall for this gimmick yet again.

His parents were as cruel as cruel could ever get and no amount of time or shame could change that.

''Fine,'' his mother sympathetically. ''We'll  give you a chance to say goodbye to Jay over the phone. Hm? Sounds okay, babe?''

They began to bang on the door again, this time with more force.

''And don't worry, we'll take the baby once the time comes and we'll make sure they're put into good use. Once the time comes.'' his father said.

''Come on, Jungwon. Don't you want to be a good Mom and work for your baby to have a good life? Do you want your baby to starve?''

''Besides, you don't have to worry too much. The prince will love you above everybody else because your beauty is unmatched. Plus, you can make babies so he might treat you extra special.''

The more his parents spoke, the more he lost strength to do anything. He'd rather take his own life than allow any of this to happen.

''Come on now, honey. We've been nice, we've given you good bargains. Not it's your turn to be a good LITTLE BITCH AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE BATHROOM!!''

''Jungwon,'' his father warned. ''We know you have a history of cutting yourself for fun but don't do anything stupid, okay? Look on the bright side, Jay doesn't actually love you, you two are married because of a contract.''

''H...he loves me...''

''What was that? No, honey. He just said that to get a good fucking. Don't be stupid now. Have you learned nothing from us?''

Not a minute after that, his parents began kicking the door down. He fell forward and knocked his head badly on the bathtub.

Blood oozed out everywhere but they didn't care. They were angry because of the mess he made.

''Ugh, did you have to be so messy? We were trying to keep it clean!''

His father grabbed him roughly. ''Don't be so dramatic, you're not that special.''

''Wipe your face, otherwise...we'll have to beat you up. You don't want that, do you? Good.''

''Now we're gonna put you in the basement and if anyone comes looking for you, they won't find you.''

The dragged the screaming boy across the carpets and dumped him in their room.

''Move the bed.'' his mother said to her husband.

 The man pushed the bed across the room with much effort, then pulled out the carpet under it and pulled opened a dusty looking door.

''NO!'' Jungwon cried.

''Yes.'' his parents replied. ''It's just until tomorrow and then you'll leave to become someone's whore. We get a shit ton of cash, everybody wins.''

''We'll bring you water if we remember or if we feel like it. No food though, that's money and we've done enough for you. Bye!''

They proceeded to push him down the stairs and the boy desperately tried not to fall on his stomach. He got badly bruised but as long as it didn't hurt his baby.

When they closed the door, they called out to him.

''You okay in there, hun? Yes? Okay. Don't die on us, now.''

He could hear them putting the carpet back over the door and shifting the bed over it.

The basement was dark and stuffy and probably filled with rats and insects. He tried not to cry too much so he wouldn't suffocate on the dusty air.

The floor was hard, brutal and cold and the air landing on the cuts on his body, made it worse.

He didn't give himself hope, he had no hope.

No one would find him here and his parents would win after all.

This was it, this was his end.

His last word were: Jay, I'm sorry. I love you.


Go ahead, swear at me 'cuz I know you want to.

Married To The Young Tycoon[𝔍aywon ]Where stories live. Discover now