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Jungwon was freaking out internally.

Today he was starting at his new school where he had none of his friends, no one to rely on-well not exactly. He actually had Jay and the entire O.B.C to look after him but it wouldn't be the same as having his old friends in his class. He'd miss them even though they'd still be in contact with each other. 

He needed this new change for the betterment of his mental health. And what other way to do that than to go to the same school as his husband.

That part had him feeling all giddy inside.


''Come on, it'll be fine Wonie. You'll make new friends and no one will bully you. If they do, they can't because you'll be in my turf.''

''But no one knows we're married right?''

''No, but the'll know not to mess with you because you're mine-''

''I'm going to stop you right there. I hope you don't slap my butt or kiss my earlobe and stuff like that.''

Jay laughed guiltily.'' Whaaaat? I wasn't planning on showcasing our relationship.''

'' tell me in a simple sentence why there's students looking through our window and staring at me like I'm a disco ball.''

''OH, that's just Wooyoung and Asahi being weird again-''

The two boys began tapping on the window in excitement.

''Jay, let us see Wonie!! Give him to us!''

''Aww, they like me Jay! I have two friends already!

''Yeahh...'' Jay wasn't liking the look of this though.


Jungwon, contrary to his initial plan, clung onto Jay's arm and buried his face in the boy's jacket. Everyone was just staring at him in awe. He already knew it was because of Jay's reputation but it was still very overwhelming.

And the fact that he was already friends with two of the O.C.B members made the stares even more more intense.

''We're here, Principal's office. I'll come in with you Wonie.''

Jungwon was still scared of the people looking at him so he didn't even realise he was walking into the Principal's office.

''Morning, Principle Nakamura.''

''Oh, boys, what a surprise.'' the man replied cheerfully. ''Is this your husband, Jay?''

''Yeah, he's going through some shock right now.'' Jay replied.

''Are you sure you didn't force him to eat broccoli or something? Because his cheeks are very red.''

'' does he know we're married?'' Jungwon asked Jay softly. ''Who told him?''

''He's Yoshi's uncle, we tell him the all details. Consider him a guardian angel.''

When Jungwon looked up, the Principal wasn't even listening. He was chilling on his phone.

''Year 10, right Jay?''


''Okay, sure. He's your hubby, show him around and stuff.'' Principal Nakamura quickly glanced up to give Jungwon a smile then continued whatever it was that had his attention.

'Maybe, I'm too plain which is why he doesn't like me...Does my ass look fat in these pants..'

''Jungwon? Let's go, we're done here babe.''

Married To The Young Tycoon[𝔍aywon ]Where stories live. Discover now